Chapter 16: The Black Direwolf

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"The Black Direwolf." Aaron begins as they make their way down the hall to their dorm, "Is said to be part of the group of werewolves let into the school, he was a brilliant student, everyone loved him. Well, everyone but the person he loved." They round a corner, against the wall is a couple locked in each other's jaws, looking like they are eating each other's faces.

"He fell in love with a human, so, to impress her, he created a potion to make himself stronger." Aaron pulls open the door to their dorm, and pulls of his jacket.

"However, instead of using the correct ingredient, he substituted for a mixture of crude oil and ink. This made the potion incredibly volatile, and unstable." They crash onto the couch, Aaron flipping his jacket onto the side of it.

"Once he drank it, he was stronger, but after a few moments, right in front of his love, he began to deteriorate. Until nothing was left except a sentient blob of ink. It should have killed him, instead it changed him, turning him into a monster." Aphmau looks away, and clears her throat, looking back up at Aaron shyly.

"Then why did it effect Grey? He didn't take the potion did he?" Aaron shakes his head and shrugs, their lead run dry.

"I dunno, but we can't exactly ask him can we?" Aphmau can tell Aaron wants to say something else, but she has to clear her throat again, and she rubs her neck in confusion.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asks, a little concerned Aphmau nods, and leaves to go get a drink.

Getting some tap water she downs it, sweeping whatever is stuck in her throat away.

"So what do you think? Is it like a sickness?" She sets the glass into the sink, and crashes back onto the couch on top of Aaron, suddenly feeling cold even with him there.

"I hope not, I don't wanna get that." Aaron replies, stroking the back of her hair, looking down at her with a smile.

"Hey... I've had a question for awhile." Aaron starts, and Aphmau looks up at him, trying to get as close as possible, something in the back of her mind telling her to get closer.

"Shoot." She replies, humming contently when he wraps his warm arms around her, a sudden heat in her core making her start to sweat.

"Do you....uh.....ever....." Aaron blushes deeply, he can't believe what he's about to ask, but he is curious about how many of the side effects of being mates she can feel.

"Have you ever thought of me..... as more then a friend....since we became mates?" Aphmau jumps a little at the question, and ignoring the fact that, just now she was thinking about how it felt when he kissed her.

"You mean, more than usual?" She replies absentmindedly, realizing her mistake and trying to correct herself quickly.

"I mean... No....Yes....I mean-" Aaron chuckles and shushes her gently, blushing a little, but slowly getting more comfortable with the affections.

"Yes, I mean more than usual. I can't blame you. I mean, who wouldn't fall for me? I'm irresistible." Aphmau playfully elbows him in the gut, making him laugh, but she sighs to get back to the point.

"To answer your question, yes. But I'm not sure if it's the mate thing or...." She looks up at him, staring into the steel eyes that had so recently been three different colors. But she likes them steel, she knows that's he's calm and content that way.

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