Chapter 20: Her Humanity

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Stirring in a puddle of ink, a black werewolf twitches, coughing up all the ink it had swallowed, it slowly opens its yellow eyes, glancing at the world.

Everything is black, Everything is dripping with ink, even the werewolves fur has ink siphoning off of it, it tries to rise, only to stumble in pain, it whines, holding onto its chest.

A deep, concussive laugh fills the silence, and the werewolves blood runs cold, the ink swirls and twitches until forming the shape of a man in a hood, the only thing showing is bright, yellow eyes.

"You remind me of myself Aaron, young, wanting so hard to impress the woman I loved..." His deep voice is muffled but amplified at the same time, echoing around in Aaron's head.

"Aphmau... She's so beautiful isn't she? I've been watching her.... she's perfect." Aaron feels a rage building his chest, but he can't move, paralyzed by pain, and fear.

"I can feel your pain, your anger. But you need not worry, I do not wish to harm her." Aaron steadies his breathing, coughing up more ink from his lungs.

"I only make her mine...." Finally, Aaron's anger broke through his pain, and in his rough, wild, twisted werewolf vocals, he yells:

"She will never be with you!! Leave her alone!" His throat burns with pain, speaking hurts, and coughing up gallons of ink certainly doesn't help.

"Oh...But that is where you are wrong, My lovestruck furry friend. She is finally succumbing under my grasp, just like all the others."

Aaron growls, holding himself, he tries to move, but the ink keeps him in place, he snaps at the inky figure, who gives him an eerie smile. Aaron flicks his tail, as it is the only part of him that can move freely.

"Temper, Temper. You really need to work on your temper. You're almost as bad as that other fellow, Grey, I think his name was." Aaron gulps, what is going on? He is dreaming, but then why can he feel pain, and why can't he do anything, why is that monster here?

"Yes, Yes, Poor soul, broken and shattered, His father left him, and his mother has a mighty bad addition to alcohol, did you know that?" The figure paces around Aaron in a circle, slowly getting closer to him.

"No... I didn't... I-" The figure cuts him off, beginning his sentence with a content sigh.

"No? Well, did you know that Lilac has a long history of abuse? Or that Wyatt lost his wife to cancer? Or that poor old nurse of yours just got divorced by her husband?"

"I-No.... Why are you telling me this?" Aaron breaths, it gets harder to, he can't take a breath without his chest hurting now, his vision starts to blur.

"Oh, I'm just rambling, but let me ask you a different question. Did you know Aphmau was beaten at a young age by a man in a hood?"

Aaron growls, he does know, he knows because he met the man who did it, and that man is now dead.

"Yes." The figure laughs, it's cold, no humor.

"I thought you might, Ah! But it seems we've run out of time. It's time to wake up." Aaron suddenly can't breathe, he feels as though he is suffocating, the man stares with a smile.

"It's Drake by the way."

Aaron jolts out of his bed with a start, his eyes a deep crimson, he can breathe now, he glances around, only spotting Aphmau's bed, but no Aphmau in it.

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