Chapter 17: Change of Heart

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"Hey Aph! Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out! I haven't seen you in awhile, bring your man if you want. Bye." Katelyn had left a message for Aphmau, she needs to know if the rumors are true, that Aaron is a werewolf, and Aphmau his mate.

Aphmau however is currently making out with said man deep within her subconscious, in other terms, she is asleep, and dreaming about a certain man that she is bonded with.

"Mmm...Aaron~" She breaths heavily, only stopping to take a breath before resuming their passionate kiss. His ears and tail stick out slightly, signaling to her that he is losing control. And she loves it, she doesn't remember how they got here, but at the moment she doesn't care.

"Aphmau~" His haughty breath makes a shiver go up her spine, he grips her legs to keep her on top of him, and explores the inside of her mouth with his tongue.



"Aphmau!" Aaron's sudden loud voice makes her jump, and not only is she blushing, but sweating as well, and seeing him after that kind of dream doesn't help.

"Yeah!" She says loudly, covering herself up hoping to god that he cannot smell her, because if he does he'll know exactly what she was dreaming about.

"You were talking in your sleep." He is blushing, he heard some of what she had said, he feels a little glimmer of hope deep within him, maybe, she did have feelings for him.

Aphmau however, is terrified that he had heard her, and in her panic, decides to just bury herself deeper into the covers in embarrassment.

"H-How much did you h-hear? She stammers, and Aaron stands up from his place on his bed, walking over to her, she blushes and waits for him to smell her, but he never mentions the smell.

"Enough to know what you were dreaming about..." He does smell her, and it's driving his wolf crazy, but he has to keep his cool. She doesn't want him like that.

"I....I see. Sorry I woke you up." She turns over to face away from him, she can't even bare to look him in the eye after that dream, it would just make things worse.

"I was up long before that. Don't worry." He flips the covers off of her, and makes her look right at him, she blushes harder, and unfortunately for her, he notices.

"Was your dream about me?" He asks, making his voice lower than a whisper, though Aphmau can hear every word, she can't lie, not right to his face.

Her silence gives her away, and he smirks, a naughty, hot smirk.

"Is that why you don't want to look at me?" She nods slowly, her heart pumping out of her chest, he grazes her arm with his hand, a familiar shiver going up her spine.

"Aaron... I-" Suddenly their eyes connect and don't let go, it takes her breath away, and Aaron can suddenly see the all the stars in her eyes.

They close the gap, kissing, neither really wanting to deepen it but neither wanting to stop.

Aaron pulls away, pulls her up to him and kisses her again, losing himself in his own joy and mirth.

Aphmau quickly cuts it off, not pushing him away, but just stopping it and looking away, focusing her attention to the ground.

"What are we Aaron?" She asks, Aaron holding her waist and looking a little disappointed in himself.

"Your my best friend Aph."

"Best friends don't make out in the middle of the night Aaron!" Aphmau says a little to loudly, staring up at him and into his soul, making it rattle against his chest.

"So what are we?" She lowers her voice, and Aaron moves his hand up to her cheek, releasing his hold on her waist.

"Aphmau." He replies slowly, his fingers playing with her bangs.

"We are....whatever you want us to be... you already know how I feel about it." She looks down, a conflict raging inside her, but that's not what she focuses on.

"I just want you happy, you know that." He ends his statement by giving her a quick kiss on the nose and starting back towards his bed, but she stops him, grabbing his arm and swinging him back toward her.

"Maybe....We can....give this a shot." Aaron feels his heart swell as Aphmau pulls him into a kiss, the first one she's ever lead herself.

"Are you sure, you don't have to you know" Aphmau giggles a this, Aaron leans his forehead on hers, his heart about to explode, and she nods, kissing his cheek and smiling.

"Mhmm." She hums, catching the glow of her phone on her nightstand, she checks it, realizing that she has around twenty texts from Katelyn.

"Who's that?" Aaron asks, still dazed and foggy from his little make out session with his new girlfriend, a lovestruck look smattered on his face.

"Katelyn. She wants to hang out tomorrow." She blushes a deep red when Aaron wraps his arms tightly around her and reads over her shoulder.

"We can go after werewolf class. If you want." She nods and looks over at the clock, it is two in the morning, the texts were sent four hours ago.

"Yeah, they should probably know the new development between us." Aaron looks down at her, smiling down at her because he has finally gotten what he wanted, for her to be by his side.

"Actually, let's keep it to ourselves for now. Okay?" He nuzzles her, if he had let his tail poke out it would probably be wagging, or at least stiff.

"What? Why?" Aphmau replies, and although she is still pink from everything that just happened, she still is a little apprehensive about this, it is her first relationship since middle school, not like that one counted for much though.

"Let's just see where it goes first, there's no need to get everyone worked up about things just yet." Thinking about it, she nods quietly, looking through the purple drapes and away from him.

"You have something else to say don't you?" Aaron asks, not ceasing to hug her from behind, and staring out the window with her.

"I'm worried Aaron, what are we going to do about this ink problem? Someone else could get hurt." He glances at her, trying to be as calming as possible, but still not sugarcoat it.

"I'm not sure, nothing else has happened. We'll have to wait and see, besides we're just students, what can we do?"

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