Chapter 18: Wyatt's Absence

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Before they even get into the classroom they know something is wrong, the werewolves are eerily quiet, Lilac is at the door waiting for them. Aaron screams internally when he see's who is teaching the class.

Professor Mellia has a wide snear plastered on her face, and that snear evolves into a unholy smile when Aaron and Aphmau trudge through the door.

Lilac hurriedly sits as close to both of them as possible, and starts quickly explaining why Professor Wyatt is absent.

"He was found in his office floor, covered in ink. He's in the hospital with extensive care." Aaron glances at Aphmau, whose drains of color.

"The nurse is also under evaluation after she coughed up ink after dealing with Professor Wyatt." A cough from the front of the room took their attention, and Aaron feels a burning anger flare in his chest.

"I will be your substitute until further notice, I'm sure you won't mind, after all, "Professor" Wyatt never really taught you anything." Somehow she does not feel the collective anger of the classroom, but she isn't used to teaching a class exclusively of temperamental almost-adult werewolves.

"Turn to page 194, you will read until page 212, and then answer the questions on 213." Aphmau groans inwardly, she had actually been having fun in this class, and even though she's not a werewolf, it was interesting when Professor Wyatt taught them.

There are two types of werewolves, the more common, half~wolf, which is a werewolf who is half werewolf, half human, they cannot fully turn into their beast form, but still retain all improved senses, and can only turn humans into werewolves with a bite, with or without consent, and cannot hide their wolf-ish features.

The other, much rarer type is a full or pure blooded werewolf, when two half~wolf werewolves mate they have a very small chance to birth a pure blooded werewolf. They are able to fully transform into their beast forms. And are able to hide their features, they can turn humans into werewolves by either a bite, or by the crimson glow in their eyes, however, the crimson glow only works if the human it is used on gives consent.

Aphmau glances over at Aaron, who doesn't really seem to be paying much attention to the book, instead he is just answering questions like he already knows.

"The crimson glow only works if the human it's used on gives consent." She reads that part again, she had seen Aaron's eyes crimson before, but always when we was pushed far enough.

Whenever a werewolf is upset, or stressed, their eyes may change from a "natural "  eye color to a yellow or green, this is involuntary, for pure~bloods, this can be a hazard, as crimson eyes can emerge.

Sometimes, werewolves will never develop a "natural" eye color, and instead keep a yellow or green color, this can make it difficult to convey emotions, as werewolves use this as a form of wordless communication.

Both Grey and Professor Wyatt have yellow eyes, that's a connection, but the nurse isn't even a werewolf, So that isn't it.

But Professor Wyatt and the nurse both got ink all over them,  so did Aaron, and in turn so did she.

All werewolves have a resistance to sickness and disease, but pure~blooded werewolves seem to show immunity to a plethora of different bacterial and viral infections. Some of which include, Flu, HIV, AIDS, most sexually transmitted diseases and infections, the common cold, some forms of fungal infections, and the parasitic tube worm (found in raw meat and fish)

Aphmau almost laughed, it explains why Aaron never got sick, and why he could eat raw food and have zero repercussions, she feels a little jealous, she wishes she had that.

Aaron catches her staring and blushes a little, gripping her hand from under the table.

"No displays of affection!" Mellia barks, and Aaron's blood stars to boil, his eyes flashing a very telling shade of yellow.

For a moment Aphmau thought he was going to leap out of his seat and throttle her, but he shakes his head and looks down at his work.

Aphmau finishes her work and stands up to turn it in, but has a sudden dizzy spell and leans in the table, her ears ring and everything wobbles and waves in front of her.

After a full minute it stops and the only thing that feels different his her chest, it feels a little bloated and she has to clear the throat, Aaron looks up at her, concerned, and continues to watch her as she turns in her paper and sits back down, holding her head.

"Ugh... What the heck?" Her head pounds, but only in her ears, she has to continue coughing to get whatever is caught in her throat away. No one seems to notice that her teeth are getting darker.

"Are you alright?" Aaron asks, holding her shoulder, and she nods. Raising her hand to get a drink.

Mellia scoffs, but does allow her to go, and as she stands up she almost falls down into the floor.

"Professor, Maybe you should let her go to the nurse?" Aaron says calmly, but Mellia scoffs and ignores him, also ignoring the pained Aphmau.

Once she gets out of the classroom, she collapses, hitting the floor with a thump, knowing that Aaron wouldn't be able to get out for another hour, she leans in a locker, her vision blurring and moving like it's sea sick.

She groans as she slowly makes her way to the fountain and as she's about to take a drink she gags, coughing up black ink.

Once the ink is out, all of her symptoms seems to fade, but she looks down at the ink, and her blood runs cold.

She couldn't let Aaron know, if he knew he would flip, she needs to deal with it herself, she goes back into the classroom with her face pale.

Aaron feels it, feels that she is in danger.

But he can't tell it's from herself.

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