11:First Time For Everything

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"Aph, there was someone in our house." Aaron says after pulling her back through the window, the smell of Oil and Ink making his eyes water.

"Do you think it was that thing we saw." She grips his arm and quickly glances around. Terrified once again, her both hers and his life.

"No, this was humanoid. They could smell me, it was a werewolf." He sniffs, trying to find a scent other than the horrible oil, but they have covered their steps well.

"I can't place a scent." He growls in frustration. and re-locks the door, a sudden yawn finding it's way through his mouth.

"Come on, we've had a long day. Let's go to sleep." Aphmau sticks close to him, Aaron can both feel and smell her fear, and flops on his bed and grabs her so that she falls on top of him.

"H-Hey, what?" She starts to protest, but Aaron brushes her hair making her instantly drowsy, and she pulls him closer.

"We both know you won't be able to sleep without me. Close your eyes, I'll protect you." She mewls in agreement, snuggling up into him, his tail wraps around her, warming her like a fluffy pillow.

Knowing that she is asleep he mutters under his breath the one truth in his brain:

"I love you."

When he awakes, he feels Aphmau's head nestled under his and her body flush against him, his ears and tail have disappeared, and he sighs in content.

Almost as if on a timer, Aphmau stars to stir, a half-unconscious smile on her face. Before she realizes what situation she's in.

"Aaron? Woah! Why are we in the same bed!?" He chuckles and wraps his arms around her waist, taking the chance to tease her a little.

"Do you not remember baby?" He growls seductively in her ear, Aphmau stops and he can feel the heat through her, and it somehow makes himself blush.

"It's alright, nothing happened, unless... you wanted something to happen?" He comments on her beet red face, but regrets it when she purposely backhands him.

"No. But I do admit, you are comfy." She moves into a more comfortable position, which happens to be a position that makes them look a little seedy.

He tangles his fingers in her hair, and feels her heartbeat move in sync with his, it is an effect of them being mates, even though they'd never kissed.

Except for once, but that was a very brief kiss on the cheek that was a dare.

"Hey...have you... kissed anyone yet?" He says aloud, making Aphmau jump and look up, her face red and suddenly starting to sweat.

"I-I've kissed you on the cheek before, but other than that n-no." Aaron can feel her heart skip beats and he grins a little, moving then so they sit up on the bed.

"Really? I would've thought that someone would've taken a chance." He is actually quite relived, he hadn't kissed anyone either.

"Have you kissed anyone?" Aphmau asks hesitantly, the sun beaming in from the window make her eyes shimmer and black hair turn a warm brown.

"No, never, I haven't thought of anyone like that....well, until recently." This is hurting his brain, she's the only true friend he has, so the only one who he trusts about crushes and love, but she is that love.

"You're crushing on someone?! Who?!" He meets her eyes and sighs, smiling.

"Well, she's a freshman, she's short, a little hot tempered, has beautiful raven hair that turns brown when the light hits it just right. Has deep caramel eyes that I get lost in...and...." he stops when he sees Aphmau gasp and blush, he was trying to be subtle, but he got lost in his own thoughts.

"And she's my best friend, and I don't want to ruin that." He finishes, feeling the silence and turning away from her, this is stupid, if only he could control himself a little more, maybe they wouldn't be here.

"Well, the guy I have a crush on is tall, muscular, has charcoal hair and a goatee that needs to be shaved, is stubborn and likes to tease people. And-" Aaron looks at her with wide and disbelieving eyes, and she can't believe what she's saying either, but means every word.

"Is a shaggy werewolf with a deep voice that makes me swoon." Aaron holds her, nearing her face and his eyes filled with a light hope, but more noticeably, love.

"Do you mean that...? You think of me that way?" Aphmau is in shock, she can't move or speak, his eyes had captured her, she had never noticed them into much detail before, but they swirled into a dark brown at the center, making the steel become softer.

She nods breathlessly, feeling a panic rise in her chest, but she pushes it down, she is curious, but nervous.

He smiles and grows closer, resting his hands against her cheeks, and resting his head on her forehead, double checking everything to make sure she's okay with it.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks breathlessly, blushing madly as something primal and wild takes a grip onto his brain.

"Yes." He closes the gap, kissing her slowly an electric shock fills his veins, and he pulls her closer, holding her in place, he feels his heart pumping against his chest as they meld together, it becomes hard to tell where Aaron ends and Aphmau begins.

She pulls away, her head swirling, she feels almost tipsy, her heart about to explode, she gives him a doe eyed look, her legs and arms seems to have stopped functioning.

"Woah..." Aphmau is speechless, having never been kissed before she had nothing to compare it to, but it seems like Aaron has more experience than he's letting on.

"Heh! Well, we can't say we've never kissed anyone now huh?" Aaron tries to quickly change the subject, but something nags the back of his mind, he lost control of himself, he let his wolf take over, he let his instincts take over. And as a werewolf, that is dangerous.

"I-I guess not." Aphmau starts to giggle, more at her own expense, they are in new territory now, a line that had been neatly drawn in the dirt of their friendship has been crossed.

And as sudden the crossing was, neither have an idea of the future, dating is the logical next step, but... they are hesitant, Aaron, because he is still getting used to his feelings for her. And Aphmau, well her newfound feelings swirled into a muddled pool in her mind.

"We probably s-should get up. We still have class." Aphmau moves off him and sprints into the bathroom, where she covers her mouth in shock.

She just kissed Aaron, she proved everyone right, She likes him, yeah, of course! But did she like him enough, love him enough, to go into the next step?

She still doesn't know...

"I guess there's a first time for everything."

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