6: Girls Night

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Aphmau lays silently on the couch with her phone in hand, she's already called Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan, and they've decided to come over, which is fine, lets her feel more comfortable just laying on the couch doing nothing.

So, as she lie there, half-asleep and groggy, a nagging thought crawls into her head, a slight whisper, but enough to make her think.

"You like him, don't you?"

"Duh, of course I do, he's my best friend." She answers her own thoughts, though she knows exactly the context, and it isn't the friendship kind.

She sighs and pushes the thought out of we head, just in time to, because there is a soft knock on the door, followed by even softer scratching.

"Come in! It's unlocked!" She shouts from the couch, and suddenly a pink blur sprints from the door to her couch wrapping her into a surprisingly tight hug.

"Aphmau~Sempai!" The very pink Me'fwa by the name of Kawaii~Chan joyfully cries, her black tail swishing back and forth, and her left ear twitching.

"Hey!" Katelyn strolls in, ruffling Aphmau's hair and leaning on the side of the purple couch, looking down at her friend.

"Hey guys." Aphmau replies, although happy that her friends are there with her, she silently wishes that Aaron could be here as well, he's yet to catch up with the rest of the gang.

"So where's Mr. Fluffybuns? shouldn't he be here?" Katelyn asks, making Aphmau chuckle at Aaron's old nickname, but still, they have no idea what he actually is.

"He's at work, he should be calling soon." She added the last statement mostly for herself, now that she thought of it, it's been an hour, and it only takes fifteen minutes to get to the club.

"Aaron~Kun has a job?" Kawaii~Chan pipes, her eyes lighting up with endless amounts of energy and joy.

"At the strip club down the street." At this, Kawaii~Chan stops in her tracks, staring in shock at Aphmau, who is trying very hard not to laugh.

"Does Aphmau~Sempai like that?" Aphmau's face explodes with heat and color, flustered, and focusing on not blurting out "Hell Yes." , she stammers:

"He's just a s-security guard Kawaii~Chan, not a d-dancer." She buries her head into the pillow when her mind fills with images of him nearly naked and dancing very sexually on her lap.

Even my ears are red, this is a problem, She thinks to herself, while Katelyn smirks and whispers a plan in Kawaii~Chan's ear.

"You've joined the ship!" Kawaii~Chan screams loudly, making Aphmau look up with a pained expression.

"Ow, Well I'm deaf now." She flops her face back into the pillow just before something that made her jump hits her ears.


She had forgotten to silence her phone, so she answered it, and for some reason, she couldn't get it off speaker.

"Hey Sweetheart." Of course he uses a low voice, and of course, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan can hear it.

"Hey! You alright?" She responds while Kawaii~Chan fan girls loudly in the corner and Katelyn snickers silently.

"Yeah, had to push through a bunch of dancers, and then break up a fight. Sorry I called a little late." He chuckles from the other line, checking each camera twice and propping his feet on the table.

"It's fine. You'll be home around six right?" Aphmau responds, glaring angrily at the two girls in the corner who are whispering loudly and excitedly.

"Yeah, Don't worry, by the way-"

The phone is roughly pulled from Aphmau's hand, and Kawaii~Chan says, in an almost spot on impression of Aphmau.

" I wanna see you sooner, Maybe you can show me what you picked up over there."

Silence on the other end, and Aphmau, in a panic, rips the phone from her hand and waits for a response.

"A-Aphmau..." He has no idea he's on speaker, his face is beet red and his heart is beating out of his chest.

"You know I'm no dancer." He tugs on the collar of his uniform, suddenly it is very hot, and tight.

"Aaron. I um, Can explain."

"No, No need to explain. I'll be over as soon as I can, Baby." He chuckles, he quickly figured out that he was probably on speaker, and that it was probably Kawaii~Chan playing tricks on him.

But just in case.

He took his break and waltzed right out of the building, heart still pounding, but determined, he's set an alarm, so if anything happens in the building, he'll know.

"Oh my Irene. He, oh no." Aphmau withers and cries on the couch, trying to make herself as small as possible, her anxiety is acting up again.

"Aphmau, its fine, we'll explain everything to him when he gets here." Katelyn says gently, guilt ripping at her chest, knowing that the joke had gone way too far.

"I'm gonna go to bed. Don't follow me." She sprints upstairs and slams the door behind her, locking it, quiet sobbing can be heard if someone pressed their head on the door.

In about ten minutes, Aaron creaks open the door, ready to play along as long as necessary to freak them out and make them leave.

He struts in, unsure of how to hold himself, he has never done this before, but we've already established he'd go to hell and back for Aphmau.

"Aaron~Kun We-" Aaron shushes her and sniffs quietly to find Aphmau, and he tries to open the door, only to find it locked.

"Aphmau? Are you okay?" He hears a quiet gasp from the other side, and then sobbing. He quickly pulls out his key and rams open the door, his facade over, and concern lining his face.


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