Chapter 19: The Party

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"Are you ready!?" Aaron asks for the fourth time as Aphmau gets ready upstairs, honestly she had been done fifteen minutes ago. But she is making absolutely sure that her issue won't come back to ruin her time.

It hasn't been acting up since this morning, and Aphmau is perfectly fine with that, they would find the cause soon enough and then get medication, it is the middle of the year anyway, one month till Halloween. She could hold on until then.

"Yeah!" She finally replies, stuffing stomach medication into her plum colored purse and slowly walked down the stairs.

Aaron's jaw hit the floor, she is wearing a short maroon dress with translucent tights that covers her legs, her plum purse slung over her shoulder, and she twirled at the bottom of the stairs, the dress billowing up like flames around her.

"You look beautiful..." Aaron steps up and leans in to kiss her, but she quickly pulls him out the door without another word, his face knitting from confusion to disappointment.

They reach Katelyn's room and open the door, where they are blasted with the sound of blaring music, hot, greasy pizza, and cheap alcohol .

"Oh no...." Aaron says just in time as he's pulled into a crowd of drunk college students, bating his body around like a sack of potatoes. He's pushed into a bar, where someone puts a drink in his hand and pushes him onto a dark navy couch. The couch topples over, with him still in it, as he rolls down onto the hardwood floor. His drink topples out of his hand and spills right onto the black wall.

Someone picks his dizzy body up and everyone starts playing tennis with his body, pushing him from one person to the next.

Aphmau giggles a little before stepping inside and shutting the door behind her, Katelyn greets her immediately, not noticing that Aaron had just been tossed in the air and had landed quite roughly on the floor.

"Hey Aph, where's Aaron?" Aphmau points to the dizzy and beat up figure on the floor, rubbing his side and grunting in pain.

"Sorry about that, come on, let's go somewhere quieter." Katelyn roughly grabs both of their hands and pulls them into a much cleaner, quieter room. The walls are a light shade of pastel blue and the carpet a thick creamy white. A glass desk sets in the corner with a white laptop in front of a huge window that encompasses the entire wall.

Her bed with light blue covers lays made neatly in the corner. A cup of coffee on her nightstand, right beside a large, very old looking book.

She shuts the door and suddenly all the sound is shut out. Aaron nods in approval, finally not being tossed around like a rag doll.

"I love this room Katelyn!" Aphmau bursts with joy, immediately collapsing into the pale blue office chair sitting at the desk and making herself at home.

"I thought you might, all the rooms are enchanted you know, for personal preference, they change every year with your changing personality and needs." She flops ungracefully onto the bed and Aaron leans against the wall, still holding his body tenderly after just being used as a tennis ball.

"I knew that. I figured that out when I found color coded robes on day one." Aphmau smirks, and spins in the office chair, kicking her feet like a child.

"That's not why I invited you guys here though. I want you guys to answer some questions for me." Katelyn says in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What kind of questions?" Aaron replies, looking over to her from the wall he decided to lean on.

"Is it true you are a werewolf?" This question takes Aaron by surprise and he does a double-take, stammering and stuttering like a sick chipmunk.

"U-Uh, why do you ask?" Katelyn notices this, rolls her eyes and begins talking again like she now didn't know the answer to the question.

"A rumor going around, saying someone saw you fighting Grey, and saw you sprout ears and tail." He never recalled showing his ears in public, but then he remembers when Grey was about to bite Aphmau and Lilac.

"So it's true then. You are?" Aaron nods, hesitating before letting his ears and tail out, though his eyes still a deep steel.

"Why did you hide it?! None of us would've cared! Werewolves are as normal as humans to us!" Katelyn raises off the bed slightly to scold him, before her frown grows deeper set into her face.

"I didn't think it was important, besides, I'm a little bit different than normal werewolves..." He trails off, his tail swishing carelessly back and forth and his ears twitching slightly.

"Yeah, fine, at least I know. Another thing." Katelyn starts, but before she can finish someone busts open the door, Aaron quickly hiding his features.

"Katelyn. Someone's having a seizure!" All three students gasp as they all sprint out of the room, a group of people are yelling, making a circle around a black figure.

It is Lilac, black ink pouring from her mouth like a fountain, she's twitching and spazzing on the floor, her eyes glossed over and her short tail limp.

Aaron tears through the crowd, setting her up so she doesn't drown, and putting pressure on the back of her skull so that the seizure doesn't do any more damage.

He knows what he has to do and it sickens him, but he uses his fingers to open her mouth and gags her, making her throw up every thing that had made home in her insides.

She hits Aaron's lap with a thump, Aaron feels her pulse, which is weak, but there. And looks down on himself.

He is absolutely covered in ink, people try to come close but Aphmau herds off the party goers and takes the ones that got ink on them to the nurses ward.

Aaron goes into the shower and washes himself off, washing his clothes throughly.

He is not at all worried about himself, he seems to be immune, or maybe just extremely lucky, but he would have to keep a sharp eye out for Aphmau.

He knows something isn't right. She rejected his kiss, almost like she would if she was sick. And has been acting a little strange all day.

Maybe it is just his imagination, but Aphmau is getting paler. Is she sick? Is there something she's not telling him?

He doesn't know, but damn, is he going to find out.

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