As an Aphmau Community...

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Hello, long time no rant but this is serious and something I feel needs to be addressed.

It the "war" between the Anti~Aarmau community and the rest of the Aphmau community, basically.

I know, treading on thin ice, but I'm not going where you think I'm going.

I'm going to put something out there, I do not like Aarmau in MCD.

I don't, the only reason being is because to me, it was incredibly quick and hard for me to get behind.

In fact, when it first started in MS, I wasn't a big fan of it either, but I kept it to myself. Eventually I grew to love the ship and started writing about it.

There is an Anti~Aarmau community on Google+, and I've seen it and read through some of the feed.

Honestly, it's only a very few people that's harassing others, but it's making the entire community look bad.

Yeah, we, as the Aarmau community, have bad apples as well, hell, I'll admit that I've gotten overzealous sometimes and have hurt  people along the way, and to those of you who still lash out...

Stop it. 

I understand that people have their own opinions, I understand that sometimes you like sharing that opinion. But don't try to shove your beliefs down people's throats, that is harassment.

This goes for both the Anti~Aarmau and Aarmau community's, when we, as a collective Aphmau community squabble amongst ourselves, that makes Aphmau, and it makes all of us look bad.

Let's just all settle down, breath, and try looking from the others perspective. I urge you all to share this.

This is where I stand, it's gotten out of hand and we all just need a minute to collect ourselves.

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