8: Appointed

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"What's your first class?" Travis asks, his long white mane of hair shaking wildly as his green eyes sparkle with limitless joy and excitement, grabbing Aphmau's schedule and scanning it, groaning outwardly.

"What?! You only have three classes today? I have seven!" He shoves it back into her hands and she giggles slightly, patting her friend on the back.

"I took college credit last year, Aaron has four, but he's taking BWW2." She uses the shortened version of Basics of WereWolves 2, something that she wouldn't be able to get in even if she tried.

"It's so unfair." Travis whines, but his eyes light of with mischief when Aphmau says Aaron's name. He rubs his hands together in evil pleasure.

"So....You and Aaron." He begins with a sing-song tone, making Aphmau want to bitch-slap him out of existence, something that Aaron has met the business end of.

"Travis, do you want to continue living?" Aphmau says with a deep malice in her voice, making Travis recoil both in fear, and in the joy of annoying the sense out of people.

"I didn't hear a no!" He continues in his sing-song tone, and Aphmau stops walking through the hall for a moment, turns around, and slaps him, hard, over the back of the head.

"Ow! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry, yeesh." He holds the back of his head tenderly, rubbing it as Aphmau takes a sharp turn, her class is down a completely different hall.

"See ya Trav!" She shouts back at him, she hadn't looked at the class, just the room, so she is very surprised when she sees Aaron in the back of the room. She makes sure she's in the right class, she is. And looks up at her teacher.

It's an old bloke, silver, thin hair that goes down to his shoulder, aged, tan skin showing years of labor, and two brown ears stuck up from his head and a tail poking through his seat, he looks over his book at her, smiling warmly with chestnut colored eyes.

"They put you here because you took Werewolf Basics last year, sit by Aaron, I'll explain." His voice is kind, deep, and very gruff, but also a little shaky from his age.

She walks through the rows of werewolves, all of which sniff her, some growl at her threateningly, others smile and wag their tails, and still some ignore her.

Aaron pats her shoulder, looking confused but supportive, here he still does not show his ears or tail, but is not as worried about turning in the middle of class.

The professor clears his throat and stands up, leaning on the table and smiling at all of his students, winking at Aphmau, taking her aback.

"Welcome! And for those who had me last year, Welcome Back." His voice suddenly gains a youthful spur that seems to come only from the youth around him.

"To those of you who don't know, I am Professor Wyatt, and those of who do, there is a reminder to call me Professor instead of Uncle." He chuckles, the sparkles in his eyes dancing with happiness.

"Today, we have a perfect example of what happens when hatful professors sort students into classes they do not need, and do not want. Aphmau, may you stand up please, you as well Aaron." They both stand up, Aaron a little closer to Aphmau now, he knows that with everyone staring at her, it may trigger an attack.

"This girl is Aphmau, she took Werewolf Basics last year by mistake. This boy is Aaron, who of course, was your Omega last year." Their is a mumble of "yeahs" and "yes's" The professor starts talking once more, and the class falls silent in respect.

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