Chapter 15: Danny Grey

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Walking into a werewolf filled room that, surprising no one, is about as messy as a pig sty, garbage overflowing from the bin and spilling out into the floor, the windows covered with a thin layer of grime and dust, one of them broken and boarded with wooden planks. Muddy footprints stain the floor and the janitor seems to have given up cleaning the place.

The werewolves are huddled around a stage made from several desks pushed together, performing on top, is the last person Aaron wants to see, it's Grey, and beside him is the bloody and busted body of another werewolf, weakly shivering and dragging themselves off stage, most of the werewolves look on in shock and morbid curiosity.

"Anyone else want to challenge me?! Your true Alpha!?" Aaron, his eyes yellow with flecks of crimson from anger, barrels through the crowd, who part for him. And steps onto the stage.

"Me." Aaron only has to whisper, and the whole pack goes silent, Aphmau making her way to the front to watch, feeling the anger and strength beating in Aaron's heart.

"Oh isn't this rich?! The diplomatic Alpha wants to fight? What are you going to do? Talk me down? Take me to dinner?"

With a knowing glare, Grey smiles a toothy, almost sinister smile, Aaron notices that Grey's teeth are black, and dripping from them is what looks like ink.

"Kiss me like you did her?"

Grey barely dodges out of the way in time when Aaron swings at him, Aaron's eyes getting a darker crimson with each second.

"Oh? Looks like I hit a nerve! Alright then, come at me!" Aaron is well aware that Grey is physically larger than him, and least in weight, but he is about to see how much of that is muscle.

Aaron glances at Aphmau for a split second before charging at Grey, his fist slamming into the side of Grey's scarred face, and grins when the surprised werewolf hits the floor of the stage holding his cheek.

"Hit harder than I thought..." Grey mumbles to himself, more werewolves gathering around the makeshift stage, whooping in support for Aaron.

Grey holds his ground and let's out a hefty swing in Aaron's general direction, He easily dodges it, sliding in behind Grey and knocking the wind out of him with a swift kick to the back.

Grey tumbles forward, trying to catch his breath, but Aaron can hear the labored breathing and something clogging his lungs, Grey lunges forward but only ends up stumbling, he hits the floor, holding himself up with his hands.

"Everyone, get back!" Aphmau suddenly calls from the crowd, and everyone backs away from the stage, just in time too, as Grey starts gagging on something coming up his throat.

Aaron backs away, Grey gargles something as he rolls onto his back, a black liquid running out of his mouth.

He starts twitching uncontrollably, convulsing wildly, unable to relieve himself of the endless amount of ink in his lungs. Aaron flips him onto his stomach.

"Someone get the nurse in here!" Someone shouts and a few werewolves sprint to get her, Aaron instead presses on Greys chest above his lungs, ink pours out of his mouth even for profusely, Greys color starts to leave him. If Aaron didn't get all the ink out of his lungs, he would suffocate.

Aaron pulls Grey up, standing up and twisting his hands into a ball, he slams his fists into Grey's chest again, more ink comes poring put. Grey's eyes roll into the back of his head. And the nurse, along with the Headmaster and Professor Wyatt come bursting through the door with a hose and pump.

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