4: Morning Bliss

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Aaron can say that waking up to a creame colored wall instead of a ruby red one is slightly jostling, he can also say that waking up to hear Aphmau's kitten-like yawn so close to him makes his heart race. Both are be true.

Aphmau rolls in her sheets, not exactly awake, but slowly rising from the realm of dreams and into semi-consciousness.

Aaron slowly and silently sneaks out of bed, the soft, grey carpet scratching against his toes, as he creeps up by the side of her bed.

He taps the pillow next to her head. No response.

He tugs lightly on the covers to try and subtly get her to wake up, a muffled, half asleep whine, but no awake Aphmau.

His mouth moving before his mind, and his muscles before his brain, he gently shakes her shoulder, and says barely above a whisper.

"Come on Honey, wake up." He turns a radiant shade of red, but doesn't back away, and continues giving her a caring smile.

"Mmmm..." She smiles and rolls to his voice, her hands grazing his and making an electric shock crawl on his arm and down his spine.

"Hey.... Gahhhh!" Aphmau, expecting anything but Aaron getting her up, screams and throws all her sheets, along with her pillow, at his face, knocking him onto the carpet, flat on his back.

Clutching her chest and processing what just happened, she starts snickering as Aaron struggles to escape the tornado of sheets. Finally his head pokes from the sheets and has a very confused and amused look on his face.

"Good morning to you too." He fumbles out of his prison if sheets and makes his way to a giggly Aphmau, a mischievous smirk growing on his face.

"Sorry. I wasn't expecting you to be that close." Aphmau replies breathlessly, once again devolving into a fit of giggles when Aaron shoves his face into her bed.

"What's so funny." Aaron's voice is muffled by the mattress, and Aphmau curls her fingers through his bedraggled charcoal hair, making him look back at her curiously.

"Your hair is fluffy." She messages his head, and he purrs, sticking out his tongue like a puppy, she starts scratching, her brow getting higher as she realizes the effect it has on him.

"A-Aphmau~" He let's out a low, hot, pleasure filled growl, his face a bright red. Hearing this, Aphmau immediately pulls her hand away, leaving Aaron craving for more.

"Uh.... Aaron?" Aphmau questions quietly, her face hot with embarrassment, the sound he made sent a white hot liquid right through her body.

"Uhm...." He recoils a little, and clears his throat, sliding off her bed and blushing madly, cursing his sensitive head and his love for scratches.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast. Heh" He zips down the stairs at breakneck speed, nearly tripping up and falling down the stairs. But landing squarely on his feet as he tries to slow his heart rate down.

Aphmau is left confused and shaken on her bed, her heart racing, although disconcerting, a part of her wanted to hear it again, another part hesitant about even going down to see him.

She rolls out of bed, stretching, and pulls her robes tighter against her, sighing, she tries to fix her tornado that she calls hair, and slowly makes her way downstairs, the boards creaking underneath her small frame.

The smell of greasy sausage and eggs reaches her, along with the smell of toast and sugary jam, Aaron is at the stove, humming a tune to himself, and not really paying much attention to her.

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