Chapter 10

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Hey guys... I've create a new character. And am sorry that i change abit the story from chapter 6. I only change the country from Brazil to Singapore. Get it? If dont get it then read again. LOLOL! Anw, here is chapter 10. Enjoy reading! :)

~Qeisha's POV~

28th August, Wednesday

-In class-

I purposely came early to school to see what would be my classmates reaction to me. When i came in the class, they all didnt glare at me. So i guess they dont care which is good. I sat down on my chair and there comes Nisha and Qami. So pissed off with them.

"Hi Qeis!"

Nisha hugged me which i am so umcomfortable.

"Oh umm hi Nisha..."

I tried to smile to her. Finally, break the hug. I talked to her like as if im so interested talking to her.

"I miss you..."

"Aww really? I miss you too."

"Omg girls, can both of you stop overreacting? Eeeeee! Goose bumps..."

Qami interupt us. In my heart, i was just laughing to what Qami had said. I was pretending to overreact. To be honest, i am not like Nisha, always overreact infront of people. I will never do that in my whole life. Never in a million years.

-When lesson starts in the morning-

Everyone stood up when our history teacher, Ms Tarchika came in. She was also known as our form teacher too.

"Good Morning 2N2!"

"Good Morning Ms Tarchika!"

"Wow, Qeisha u seems to look hyper in the morning, eh?"

"Im forever hyper, Ms Tarchika."

"Haha yeah yeah you're right. By the way, why were you absent yesterday?"

"Um i thought my mum have call you yesterday?"

"No. No miss calls. No messeges. Nothing."


"Ok it's ok. I will talk to you after history lesoon. Alright N2, lets start our lesson now."

I was shocked when Ms Tarchika said that. Mum did told me that she would call my form teacher that im not going to school yesterday. And this is what happen. Im so pissed off. Anger take place on feelings.

-During recess-

Me and Destiny were on the same table. We were about to buy a food for us to helped ourselve then Qami called me. She was with Nisha.

"Qeis, wait up."


"Umm sorry Destiny, can you excuse her for awhile? I needa speak to her."


That time i was mind was totally blank. She pulled me aside where nobody could see us.

"What is up now?"

"Ok, we just wanna straight forward tell you the truth."

I folded my arms, rolled my pair of eyes to them.

"We actually dont like your recent attitude."

Nisha confessed to me. Then, Qami added.

"You totally change after when you stead with him."

"So? That's all?"

"I give you a suggestion. You break up with him."

"NO! Im not gonna break up with him just because of this matter. Its my problem to become like this. Does it bother both of you?"

"Yes it bother us."

"If its bother both of you, then its your problem not my problem."

I walked off. Not letting them say another word. I came back to Destiny with my moody face.

"Qeis, what's wrong?"

"Shut up!"


Although im being rude to Destiny, she still had the feeling of patience to me. Because what in her mind was, no matter what happened to us we will still be bestfriends. I appreciate it.

I told her everything. She had the feeling of sympathy to me. That matter really spoiled my day.

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now