continue chapter 11....

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A human who was standing outside the door was..... Edward James Green -.- .

"How do you get to enter from the big gate?"

"The big was not lock so i come in."

I purposely rolled my eyes then fold my arms.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Hang out with you?"


I let him entered my house and i continued to eat my curry maggi. He was staring at me when im eating the food and im like so awkward.

"Dont look at me like that."

"Why not?"

"It's awkward."



Silence for a few minutes.


"So what?"

"You forgive me?"

"Duhh... You know what? I was really surprised that you really dont know that today is our monthsary."

"Yeah, i know that. I think i was paying attention to much with my friends instead of you."

"Aww make sure you pay attention equally to me and you friends, ok?"

"Ok, Aunty Qeisha!"

"What the.... Ok whatever... Anyways, are you hungry?"


Immediately after i ate finished, i cooked for him curry maggi. He decided to have a sleep over in my house.

While he was eating, i went to my sister, Dianne, bedroom.(I have 1 bio brother, 2 bio sisters and 1 brother-in-law) She rented a bedroom in that house while she waited for their house to be ready. Why their? Cause she had married and had two son and one daughter. Eversince she married with that stupid guy her life totally changed. Dianne was no longer than before. I know that past cannot be bring back to the present. The more she being rude with the family members, the more the other family members will be rude too.  And that time, i dont know why she had to call me from her room to took care of her daughter, Dyla. She made for Dyla milk. Her daughter was a 2 month baby. Cute, chubby and pretty. Dyla was crying and i dont know what to do. I tried to stop her crying by making funny faces and madebher laugh but i failed. If i tried to carry her and chill Dyla, it would be the same too cause i tried it before and she still cried. Dianne came back from the kitchen and in the end she scold me for not taking good care of Dyla. WHAT THE F*CK!

"Why dont you carried her?!"

She shouted at me.

"There's no need for you to shout."

I walked to the kitchen and she replied me back. In a rude manner, shouting.

"Why are you so stupid?! Didnt carry her to stop her crying!"

"I have already tried before and it still doesnt work!"

"That's why! You should read more!"

Why the hell she said about reading? I was thinking how would that link to the previous sentences she said. So i just respond to what she said.

"Excuse me! I did read ok!"

"Where got!"

"Yes, i did. I read the stories in wattpad."

"But the stories in wattpad are useless!"

"Not all of the stories are useless! Most of the stories are even better than the USELESS STORIES!"

I stressed the word 'useless' and 'stories'.

"For what?! It is the same... Non-fiction books are better than that!"

I thought something in my mind. "She dont even know that i read story books too. High standard stories. It's just that i read it only when you are out with your own family. If you didnt go out with your own family, it would be very noisy. Dianne's two son were to noisy everytime and every night. I cant even concentrate when im doing my homework or studying. Although i was listening to song while doing school work, it was still the same. She everytime shouted to her two sons for being naughty. So plz. Dont say anyhow."

The querrel last for like 5-7 minutes. It ends till Edward come up to the kitchen on second floor.

~Edward's POV~

"Next time, take care of your own child. If you dont want to, then apply for servant. She is just 16 and yet you expect her to know how to take care of baby? So ridiculous!"

I said straight to Dianne's face. I pulled Qeis down to the first floor. Dianne said somthing but i ignore.

Qeisha cried non-stop. I tried to chill her by hugging her.

"Shhhh... Dont cry..."

I whispered to her ear.

"Why it everytime happens to me? She always didnt realize what i have done for her children... Stupid badass. Asshole."

"I know how you feel Qeis. Now i want you to breathe in and breathe out. Breathe out the unfresh air and breathe in the fresh air. Now remember that i am now by your side."

All she can do was nodded her head.

"If this is what i get from God, i will accept it."

She said in between the sobbing. I wiped away her tears with my hand.

In the end, we end up sleeping on the bed together.

~Qeisha's POV~

Edward was sleeping and i get off of my bed. I took a scissors in a small cupboard. I went inside the toilet, closing the door silently so that he wouldnt know what i am doing.

I sat on the toilet bowl with it cover. Crying alone. I placed the edge of the scissors on my rist, cutting myself. At least i used a scissors instead of razor sharp knife. A straight red line mark started to build up on my rist. Just one cut. I get out of the toilet then hid the scissors somewhere else. Silently, i open my clothing cupboard and took a jacket out of it. Just to cover my cut.

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now