Chapter 11

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-After 1 month-

19 September, Thursday

One month already and it was my monthsary with Edward. I dont know if he remembered our monthsary. Right during recess time, I went to his class and meet him.

"Hi baby!"

"Aww hi princess!"

(We kissed passionately)

"Syg, do you remember what day is it today?"

"What day? Thursday?"

"Yes, i know that but the other answer."

"19 September...."


"Then what?"

"Omg, you really dont know what day???"

"Seriously what day?"

"Go and find out yourself!"

"Syg! Wait!"

I was so upset with him. How could he forget about our monthsary. I was crying at the park near the dance studio alone.

Nobody knows im there except for Nathan. He saw me.


I quickly wiped away my tears so that Nathan didnt know. But actually, he knew it.

"Are you crying?"

"No,im not."

"Dont lie. I can tell from your eyes."

I cried even more.

"Plz dont cry. I hate to see a girl cry infront of me."

I wiped again my tears that running down on my cheeks.

"Now tell me what happen."

He had the feeling of sympathy to me. Nathan told me that i should give Edward a chance. Maybe on the second monthsary he would remember the special day. So whatever advice he gave i kept inside my mind.

-After School-

I was walking out of the school with Nathan and there Edward was standing outside the exit gate.

"Qeis, wait!"

He grabbed my hand.

"What do you want?"

"Im sorry about just now. To be honest, i totally know the answer."

"So basically, you forgot our monthsary, huh? Congratulations!"

I walked off, catch up with Nathan. Left Edward behind which i thought to myself.... "Serve you right." Nice praise. Hahahaha but after a while, i felt sorry to him for saying that praise.

"You left him behind?"

Nathan asked me.

"Yeah. Just let him be. He deserve it."

"You should give him another chance."

"But why? Edward 100% dont know that today is our monthsary."

"Nobody is perfect. Every human should give another chance. So as him. You should give him another chance too."

"No, but-"

"No no no... I want you to meet him somewhere after this. I mean it."

Nathan said in serious tone. He was so caring towards. I couldnt find any friend like him besides Destiny.

-At home-

My parents were not at home. They had sleep over at Grandma Tina's house. Grandma Tina was not feeling well she needs someone took care of her. I wanted to follow them but i couldnt coz im schooling.

I was at the kitchen after showering, cooking a packet of curry maggi which smells delicious. I put a small packet of curry powder and slices of chicken. I dont often ate that kind of food coz it would gained my weight. I pour the curry maggi in a food bowl. I was about to eat the maggi and i heard the being knocked by someone.

"Who the f*ck is that?"

I whispered to myself.

I sped up my walked towards the door. Guess who was at the door.




Guess who is it.










Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now