Chapter 23

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[Qeisha's POV]

Two weeks later, Monday

Destiny was still in my house. She stayed in my house for the whole month of October. November or December, maybe Destiny will go for holiday with her family. It's kinda sad. I don't have anyone to hangout with but it's ok i have Nathan. Nathan was still with me. We everyday hangout together in my house. I felt that he's the only guy that can be trusted. I really love him. Note, love him as a friend. My mum and dad went for overseas since last week. I hate it when they went for overseas. But it's ok coz they work for me and Steven. My sisters, i pretty much miss them. I'm looking forward to meet them again.

The past few days before Mum and Dad went for overseas, they had talked to me on something.


After dinner, i went up to my room to do my last homework. I  got back to my table. A piece of yellow square paper was sticked on my table. I felt that that was an interruption. Wait, it's from my mum. She wrote there...

'Meet me in the living room at 9.'

I looked at the time now it was 8.45pm. Another fifteen more minutes to go. I just continue on my homework. As i was doing my work, i couldn't concentrate. Kept on thinking why did my mum wanna meet me. Is it so important? I'm sure she's gonna say something serious. She won't called me out privately like this if it's not important. I know my mum very well.

-In the living room-

Let me rewind back. Why is Dad here to? I thought Mum only?

"Mum, why do you wanna meet me?"

I asked Mum. They were silent and looking at each other. I started to feel awkward.

"Qeisha, how do you feel without Edward?"

They called me down just to talk about him? Seriously? Just a waste of time.

"Why do you ask me about this?"

I gazed at them for a few seconds.

"We just wanna help you."

Dad said.

"Help me for what? Mum, Dad, i don't need your help and it's too late already."

"Sweetheart, Edward did told me what happen and he actually still loves you."

I was shocked to hear that. I didn't expected it.

"But why did you cheated on him?"

Wait my parents didn't side on me? They trust Edward more than me.

"I cheated on him? No, i didn't. It was his friends' plan. If you don't believe this you may ask Steven. He witnessed it. Why you trust him more than me?"

I walked up to my room without letting them asnwered my question. So dissapointed.

-End flashback-

I gotta get ready for the outing with Steven, Destiny and Nathan. What i'm hoping was that it's gonna be a great day.

I wore a yellow tight dress which the length is just below my knee. To cover up my shoulder, i wore a jeans cardigan. Make-up is the most important thing when i did my business. I put on my flower hair band.

"Qeis, Nathan is here already. Better get hurry..."

Destiny informed me.

Oh yeah last thing to wear is my pair of black sneakers which is new. Yayy! I'm ready!!

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now