Chapter 34

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I'm sleepy but i still want to update this book. Ok whatever.

[Destiny's POV]

Dreaming something great always make me feel happy but not when someone interupt my dream. I felt my ears were so ticklish(which i thought it was just my dream). Soon, i know it was reality.

"Qeis, stop it." I moan out the words.

I had sleepover at Qeis apartment since she was lonely. That is why i called out her name because she was the only in this house with me. Charlie went back to our apartment since there's house work to do.

I open up my eyes slowly and surprisingly i saw a familiar guy on top of me.

"Good morning, babe." It's Max.

He planted his lips on mine. Omg, i love morning kiss. It's lovely. Our lips move on sync.

"Good morning, Max. Since when you're here?"

"When do you want? Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?" I laugh to his sarcasm.

I pushed him down lying beside me then i wrapped my arms around his body. My head was resting on his chest.

"Any events today?" Max ask me which i could hear the vibration on his chest.

"Yup, performance for the Summer Concert." I asnwered while my fingers playing with button on his shirt.

"What time?"

"At 3."

I got up from the bed, heading to the bathroom.

I stripped off all my clothes.

I turn the tap on and let the cold water run down my body.

After a cold shower, i wrapped my pink towel around my body then walked out of the bathroom.

Max stared at me for so long. Admiring my body i guess.

"Max, can you not?" I said as i was searching for clothes in the wardrobe. My hand reach for a white t-shirt and a high school shorts. I put on them quickly before Max took the next step.

I went down to the kitchen leaving Max alone in the room. Qeis was eating her bread while standing, leaning on the counter.

"Good morning, sister!" I hugged her from the side.

"Good morning, shorty..." We broke the hug as she continue to eat her bread.

"Make breakfast for him. He's waiting." Qeis said as her eyes narrowed at him.

"Eeeee, he can make himself, right?" I said more likely to be sarcastic. I looked at him when i said the word 'right'. He pout.

"See, Destiny. You make him feel sad." I rolled my eyes.

I took the bread which is just behind Qeisha at the counter. Everything was already at the counter.

I spread the blueberry jam all over the two pieces of bread. When i'm done, fold them into two then serve Max.

"Heres your blueberry bread." I place the plate and bread and jam on the dining table where Max was sitting.

"Thank you, baby. I appreciate it." I smile then kiss his cheek.

I look over at where Qeisha was. She was sitting on the couch surfing on her phone(should be messaging Kendrick)while listening to music.

I don't want to disturb her so i just beside Max, watch him eat. He was way too cute. I watch every bite of the bread he ate.

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now