Chapter 24

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[Qeisha's POV]

1st November, Friday

It's a sad life that Destiny will be living today. Noo!!! I had no friend to sleep with. She might be living after 3pm. Before she left, i wanna cook something special for her. It's gonna be a present from me. Let me think of her favourite food. Mee Soto!!! A malay traditional food. The time was 10am. I gotta go to the market now.

I stepped out of the doorway and shut the door. Me drove to the nearest supermarket that i knew.

-At the supermarket-

I sauntered along the section before searching for the ingredients. I wondered if i needed to buy groceries again.

Loving you feel so right

From the way you kiss me

And you hold me tight

I took out my phone from my handbag. The screen stated there Steven.


"Hey Qeis! If you don't mind can you buy for me cookies again?"

"Yeah s- Ouch!"

I bumped onto a guy and i fell on to the ground. My phone dropped too. Luckily, there's cover on my phone.

"Oops sorry... Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah i'm f-fine..."

I looked up to see that guy. He looked so familiar. It's like i'd seen him before. That guy gave his helping hand to get me up.

"Are you sure? Or you want me to bring you to the doctor?"

"No no. It's ok. I'm really really fine. Ermm i needa go..."

I just left that guy. Oh God! I think Steven had hung up the phone call. Never mind. I'll call him later or no need.

-At Mr. Bean-

I stopped by at Mr. Bean to get a drink for myself as i felt thirsty. I was looking around the shop and my eyes stopped for a moment. That guy was here again. I looked down on my drink to cover myself.


I looked up and eh. It's Qami.

"Uh erm h-hey Qami... Why are you here?"

I looked around to see where did that guy went to. He was nowhere could be found.

"I'm here coz i saw you... How about you?"

"I erm just wanna chillax here by myself..."

We stopped talking for a few seconds.

"So ermm you and Edward ok?"

I laughed so hard hearing that question. I really don't know why.

"Why are you laughing? Is my question so funny?"

"Yes, it is so funny because i don't know who is Edward! Hahahahaha!"

"Seriously, how can you don't know your own boyfriend?"

"Because he. is. no. longer. exist. in. my. life."

I said firmly to her then left the place.

I cried as i was walking to the carpark. Why was everybody kept on talking about him? I wanna move on, i wanna forget about him. But this b*tches made me almost failed to move on.

-At home-

I had no mood to talk to anybody. Mood swing. I stepped in the house with my hand full of plastic bag which were so heavy.

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now