Chapter 31

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Hello people!!!! I'm so hyper this few days!!! Omg!!! Ok! By the way, this chapter may be short. This is another chapter!!

[Qeisha's POV]

Breakfast had past hours ago. Nathan still hadn't awake yet. I bet that he's a little tired from yesterday. And now i'm so bored nothing to do. Just sitting at the couch watching tv alone. Since i'm bored, i decided to call Destiny.

"The number you have dialled is engange at the moment. Please try again later." The operator said. Wait, why Destiny didn't reply me? She usually asnwered me. I started to become even worried and even angry.

Haisss. Sigh.

I walked up to my room to see if Nathan still on sleeping mode.

I watched him still eyes close. He look so cute, handsome. Looking at him really make me even love him more. I lay down beside him as i cupped my hand on his cheek. Brushing my thumb in circles.

I pecked my lips on his softly trying not to wake him up.

"Mmmmmm..." I heard him moan. Well, i think i better leave him alone. But,

"Qeisha." Nathan grabbed my hand. He sit up and began to look into the depth of my eyes.

"I love you..." Was he dreaming or what? My mouth were to heavy to say back. For what? He abuse me. I left him there alone. Before i could even reach the door knob, Nathan....

"Tonight we'll be going to the club again." Oh gosh! No way! I'm so not gonna let him be drunk again.

"No! You and i will be staying at home." I said strictly to him. Nathan came to stand high in front of me like a gangster.

"Who are you to stop me?" He grabbed my neck making me choke. His grip getting even tighter that cause me to lost breath. "Think. before. you. said." He then let go of me. I fell down on my knees catching for my breath.

I slowly went down to the dining table as i watched what was Nathan doing. He lift up the food cover and see what's there.

After he see it, he stumbled in the bathroom.


Everytime have to be like this.

And guess what? He still can yelled something from the bathroom.

"DON'T FORGET TO WEAR ATTRACTIVE CLOTHES LATER!" And that sentence is just only about a small thing. -.-

At 9PM

I wore on my red lace tight crop top which revealed my belly button. A black short skirt which is just above my knee cap. My hair was tight up into high pony tail and fringe is let go. I curled a bit of my pony tail and fringe. After that, i do my make up and i'm done.

I grabbed my purse and high heels down. Nathan must be waiting for me.

Nathan was already at couch nibbling with his fingers. He doesn't realise that i'm walking down the stairs.

I tapped him on his shoulder. Nathan eyeing me from up to down and i just show my beautiful smile.

I thought he would praise me but he walked pass me to the door instead. What the f*ck.

At the club

We've been there for one hour already. Nathan was drunk already and i couldn't do anything. How hurt it is when i saw Nathan with another woman. I'm so jealous. Heat started to radiate in me. My eyes couldn't stop looking away from that woman. I couldn't bare with that i approach to that woman in a rude manner.

Qeisha Clairey TianaWhere stories live. Discover now