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(Ebony's pov)

A few minutes after they left, Toast and Gavin came back in with a bag of supplies.

"Where's Ghost?"

Toast sighed.
"I have some bad news. First, Bill stole my bag. Second-"
He pulled Ghost in followed by who I think was Jimmy and some kid.
"Bill separated Sir's personalities."

Ford just looked like his brain had shut down.
"Who are they?"

"Well," said Ghost, a bit calmer than he had been earlier, "The Jimmy you asked about earlier is a separate personality of mine. He is a incredibly dangerous mass murderer who has been driving me insane since like the fifth grade."
He pointed at Jimmy then turned to the kid.
"I don't know who he is though."

Toast spoke up.
"That would be Gregory. He is Sir before he was Sir. Of course, Sir doesn't remember that."

Jimmy looked at Gregory, and proceeded to.... hug him?
"Gregory! I missed you so much!"

"I've been hewe the whowe time Jimmy."

Ghost just stared at them.
"Explain Casket."

Jimmy didn't let go of Gregory.
"Gregory is my twin brother. He lived after the 'accident' I didn't."

Ghost looked as confused as I felt.
"But isn't he me?"

Jimmy smiled.
"YEP! Johnny-Boy, meet your brother."

And I think that's the point where Ghost completely shut down.
"But that would mean I wasn't the original personality. That means I'm not real. That means-"

Toast stopped him. He pulled the shaking Ghost into a hug and kissed the top of his head.
"It's alright Love. You're real. You're okay. Calm down."

Ghost started crying.
"NO! It's not okay Johnny. I'm having a existential crisis!"

Toast ran his hand through his hair and did his best to calm him down. Meanwhile, Jimmy attempted to grab his knife from Ghost.
"I'm just going to go then."

Before he could go anywhere, Ghost grabbed the handcuffs from his bag and placed one end around Jimmy's wrist and the other around his own.
"You're not leaving Jimmy. If we live through this I'll make it up to you but until then you're staying with me."

Gregory just watched them with mild interest.
"Can I go pway with Cawdboawd Fwiend now?"


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