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(Just a little thing I made)
Ebony's pov

The first thing I noticed, Toast was a bit nauseous looking, and his lips were bright red. Ghost was supporting him. The second thing I noticed was that Jimmy was no longer handcuffed to Ghost.

"What did you guys get into?"

Ghost shifted Toast's weight a bit on his shoulder.
"Well, Jimmy escaped his handcuffs but Gregory convinced him not to leave, and Toast got hungry, freaked out, ate three squirrels, then got sick because he ate too fast."

Toast stood up on his own and dusted himself off.
"I have made a unfortunate decision."

Jimmy laughed.
"It was a thing of beauty to watch."

Annabelle sighed.
"No matter I can work around all of this. I can replace everyone that's missing with you guys. We just need Gavin and Maxwell to get-"

Suddenly, on cue, Maxwell and Gavin appeared. Gavin had a strange thing attached to his head.

"What's that?"

"Not important right now."
We all looked at Annabelle.
"Dipper got captured trying to save Mabel from CBF so now we gotta save him."

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