Members of BirchClan

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So I'm making this much more organized than the first book. This one will be a bit more like the actual Warriors series, with the members and then the prologue, then the story, epilogue, and whatever else. Also, I'm not going through the trouble of writing every single cat from every single Clan, so it's just BirchClan. Here you go:


Sunstar (yellow furred tom) [9/9 lives]


Mistyleaf (gray tabby she-cat) <Apprentice: Gingerpaw>


Leafpelt (orangey brown furred she-cat)


Thunderclaw (black furred tom) <Apprentice: Dawnpaw>

Roseheart (red furred she-cat) <Apprentice: Wolfpaw>

Snowflake (white furred she-cat) <Apprentice: Applepaw>

Rainstorm (black furred tom) <Apprentice: Eaglepaw>

Reeftail (gray-bluish furred she-cat)

Ashfur (red tabby tom) <Apprentice: Brightpaw>

Icecloud (white furred she-cat)

Fangheart (white furred tom)

Night (black furred tom)

Russettail (snowy white fur with jet black chest tom)

Rivetfur (gray furred she-cat)

Rivertail (grayish-blue furred tom)

Poppyfur (red furred she-cat)

Glimmercloud (white furred she-cat)


Gingerpaw (orange tabby she-cat)

Applepaw (red tabby she-cat)

Brightpaw (yellow furred she-cat)

Eaglepaw (white furred tom)

Dawnpaw (red furred she-cat)

Wolfpaw (gray furred she-cat)


Ravenkit (grayish-black furred tom) [mother: Mistyleaf]

Lynxkit (brown fur with light brown spots she-cat) [mother: Mistyleaf]

Frostkit (white furred she-cat) [mother: Mistyleaf]

Windkit (gray furred tom) [mother: Roseheart]

Bristlekit (red furred tom) [mother: Roseheart]


Smoketail (dark gray tom)

Dappleshine (fading yellow pelt, she-cat)

Done. I revised it a bit, so certain things might look different if you already read this and was looking back. It also makes the story a bit different, but I can work around it. Ok, so now I need to write the prologue and then chapter one shall come out :D just be patient.




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