Chapter Eight: Warrior Ceremony

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Quick A/N I just realized something. Glimmercloud mated with Brownstar and ended up having Ravenclaw and Fangheart. Then she mates with Clawfur and then there's Applepaw and Gingerpaw... Well, I'm going to explain it in the next chapter hopefully, but I wanted to write this one now. :)

Applepaw stared at Clawfur, astounded. She was his daughter?!

"You're lying," she growled.

"I am not," Clawfur replied, eyes narrowing.

"If I'm your daughter, why did you try to kill me?" Applepaw asked suspiciously.

"Because," Clawfur meowed, "You are part of the prophecy. And you know that. This means you pose a serious threat to me."

"What about Gingerpaw?"

"I only tried to kill her because I knew I'd fail to do so. Someone would come and rescue her. And she'd think she had powers too because you're part of the prophecy. You know Gingerpaw. She's persistent and won't stop until she proves a point," Clawfur explained, an evil grin creeping up his face.

Applepaw realized. Gingerpaw would never stop trying to prove that she was part of the prophecy, not until she killed herself trying.

"Well, my fun is finished here. See you soon, daughter," Clawfur purred maliciously, creeping away. She heard his loud cry, "Fall back!" before running through the blood streaked forest back to her home.

As Applepaw ran, she heard someone speaking to her. "Four cats, one of each Clan, will work together with the raven's wing and frosty lynx to defeat the shadowy claws of death."

And then Applepaw slammed into said raven's wing.

Ravenpaw widened his eyes when he saw her and quickly helped her up. "Sorry!" he meowed. Applepaw got up and shook the dirt off of her. Ravenpaw continued. "I've been looking all over for you! I thought you were dead when you disappeared and I couldn't find you!" He licked her ear quickly a few times.

"I'm fine," Applepaw assured him, still a bit shaken.

"You don't seem fine, what happened?" Ravenpaw asked. Applepaw sighed. Of course he knew something was wrong.

"I saw Clawfur..." Applepaw admitted. "And, well, he told me...he told me I was his daughter."

Ravenpaw stared at her. "You are? But you don't even look like him! Wait, does that mean Gingerpaw is his daughter too?"

Applepaw narrowed her eyes. "No duh," she growled in a half-teasing way. Then she started thinking. Four cats, one of each Clan...She was one of them, of course. But who were the others?

The two cats started running back to camp. Ravenpaw asked a question after a few minutes. "Hey, isn't your warrior ceremony supposed to be today?"

Applepaw stopped dead in her tracks. "Oh StarClan! Ravenpaw, you're right!" she yelled, sprinting past the black cat as fast as she could.

She heard Ravenpaw call after her and then his pawsteps following. But her mind was focused on something else. Would she even become a warrior? Or would it just be Gingerpaw? And still, the prophecy...why her, of all cats?

Applepaw noticed that she was nearing the Clan entrance. As she approached, she saw two cats standing guard. It was Russettail and Rainstorm.

"Applepaw?" Russettail meowed. "We thought they captured you! Glimmercloud and Gingerpaw are worried sick! Where's Ravenpaw?"

Applepaw stopped running. "He's coming," she told Russettail.

"We have a hostage," Rainstorm started speaking. "An OakClan apprentice named Tigerpaw. After Frostpaw attacked him, she and Lynxpaw brought him back to camp. But Mistyleaf is trying to convince Sunstar to let him go."

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