Y U DO DIS FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S? AND WHY DO I WATCH PEOPLE PLAY IT? sorry. i scared myself to death by watching people play a freakishly terrifying horror game that my friend got. I've been helping her with :3 but I still am terrified of the game. Okay yeah, I'm getting off topic and I guess you don't care about my fear of horror games.
Forgot to post the deadline for the contest. I'm stupid. :P Msg me if you really want to enter, I'll try to do something to squeeze you in. By the way, it was seriously hard for me to choose the winners. There were some really good entries! If you didn't win, just believe when I say that I loved all the entries and wanted to choose all of them. :)
LOVE ME IM SORRY. LOVE MEEEEEEE XD I wanna do something for people who didn't win, but I can't dedicate on a the Wattpad app (which was my plan to dedicate chapters to you guys). I would follow you all back but I follow many of you already so idk. I'll think of something though.
@renebina with Fawn :D (she DMed me with her entry, and it was awesome)
@iheartRaggedpelt with Pine :D (plus Pine's family :3)
@TheMysterix with Maplepaw :D
@scourgefan with Shadowkit/paw :D
@Flamewolfgal with Wolfpaw :D
And that's it! Pls if you didn't get chosen, don't think your entry was no good. I loved all of them and this was one of the hardest decisions of my life. <3
For the winners: I'll be adding your cats into the RTC series. It could be in this book or the third, wherever it seems like your cat fits. I just don't want it all in one chapter where BirchClan just brings in a million cats at once (I love imagining that, though. It's funny and chaotic).
Oh, and thank you so much to whoever helped make Rosie's birthday present! She loved it so much! Although then we had to go to our seventh grade beginning of the school year dance, which was honestly extremely boring besides the fact that they played Thrift Shop (a.k.a my favorite rap and I can do the entire thing four times his speed :3). And they played that at the end when everyone left! *makes pouty face*
Yeah enough of my rambling. Once again I love you all so much and your entries were great. I really didn't think that I'd ever be popular enough in writing to get this many people who care about me so much, you guys are just the best. <3
Also, if any of you have Minecraft accounts, tell me your usernames! I play with Rosie and my other friend on a factions server and I'd love new members (as long as you don't betray me xD). We've got a base next a big ravine and a few diamonds and all that good stuff :D My username is pokie121. :3
Well hope you all enjoyed :3

Heart of a Warrior (Book 2) [A Warrior Cat Fanfiction]
FanfictionMistyleaf has fulfilled the prophecy and is now BirchClan's faithful deputy. She is also a mentor and a mother. Now that she has defeated DeathClan, Mistyleaf can live a good life as a BirchClan cat with family to surround her. But will it last? App...