Contest Thing I Was Tagged In

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So, I got tagged by @CraftyCatsRainberry to do this. I need to list five things I want under my Christmas tree and then tag five more people to do it. Well, here goes...

1. PlayStation Vita

2. DanganRonpa (any of the games)

3. BajanCanadian Hoodie With The Autograph

4. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby

5. Anything from Posh Life Clothing

There. Five things. I don't think I'm getting a PlayStation Vita, so then no DanganRonpa 'cause I need the Vita to play it, but I can dream :) I think I've got a pretty good chance with the other stuff. And yes, I think I am likely to get a hoodie with Mitch's autograph. He was selling them :) OKAY TIME TO MAKE MORE PEOPLE DO THIS

1. @Yellowfang101

2. @Jessica6929

3. @Gianna620

4. @joelee_furino

5. @OnlyTheAmeezy

I did it :P Also, (spoiler alert) NAEGI AND KIRIGIRI AND TOGAMI CAME BACK IN DANGANRONPA 2 AND I'VE BEEN FANGIRLING SO HARD BECAUSE NAEGI IS MY BAE AND IF KOMAEDA IS ASLEEP FOREVER THAN I CAN'T MARRY HIM SO I AM GOING TO MARRY NAEGI SO EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM THE ULTIMATE HOPE RIGHT NOW. woah, what the heck is wrong with me ;-; komaeda's still mine though. they both are. plus mitch and jerome and ty and jordan and all those fab people...PIE




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