Chapter Seven: The Secret

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Frostpaw looked around for Leafpelt frantically in the midst of battle, needing her mentor to help heal wounded cats. She wondered if using telepathy to hear Leafpelt's thoughts would give a clue to where she was. It was worth a try.

Frostpaw closed her eyes, concentrating only on the thought of Leafpelt.


Frostpaw's eyes widened. Leafpelt was in trouble!

The white she-cat darted between trees and fighting cats, earning a few scratches but nothing she couldn't heal. She heard yowls of pain, smelled BirchClan and OakClan scents together, and saw blood everywhere. But the only thing she could concentrate on was the voice in her head.



Frostpaw turned and saw an OakClan cat who looked strangely like a miniature Clawfur (from what Mistyleaf described him as in the stories she told of her prophecy) bounding to her sister.

"Get away from her!" Frostpaw yowled without thinking, and lunged at the OakClan cat. The cat was shocked at the attack, and didn't have time to get out of the way. But he was still strong enough to throw her off.

Growling viciously, the cat pinned Frostpaw down and unsheathed his claws. Frostpaw trembled as the cat was about to take the killing bite...

"Tigerpaw, no!"


The cat's attention went from Frostpaw to Lynxpaw. Frostpaw took is as an opportunity to attack him. She jumped up and raked her claws down the cat's side, sending him sprawling onto the ground in agony.

Lynxpaw ran over. "Tigerpaw?" she whispered. Frostpaw stared at her sister. "No..." Lynxpaw meowed. "You can't die. Please don't."

"He's an enemy, why are you so sad about it?" Frostpaw asked, although she was a bit sad that she did that as well.

Lynxpaw turned on her sister and shouted, "I loved him! You just had to take him away from me, didn't you? He made me happy, Frostpaw! Why would you do that? I hate you!"

Frostpaw was shocked. She couldn't process all that just happened. She glanced over at the cat who must have been Tigerpaw. His breathing was in short, shallow breaths and he wasn't moving. Lynxpaw sat beside him, whispering that it would be okay.

Then she bit his scruff, and in a flash, they were both gone. Frostpaw forgot that Lynxpaw had powers for a second, then, when she remembered, realized that if she held onto another cat that the cat would teleport with her.

Lynxpaw's angered words echoed in Frostpaw's mind. I hate you!

Frostpaw reached out with her mind to Lynxpaw, and listened to her thoughts.

Tigerpaw, you can't leave me. I know you and I are from different Clans, but I'm willing to do anything for you.

She widened her eyes. Lynxpaw was in love with an OakClan cat!

Please survive, it for me. For your father, even if he is a vicious murderer. I don't care that Clawfur is your father, you are still an amazing cat and I can't bear losing you.

Clawfur was his father?

Frostpaw wondered where Lynxpaw had taken the injured cat. She wanted to heal him, make up for the pain she caused Lynxpaw. She didn't like him, but maybe Lynxpaw would forgive her.

Then she remembered Leafpelt. She was torn between her mentor's life and sister's happiness.


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