Chapter Twelve: The Four

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Anyone know BajanCanadian aka Mitch Hughes aka the Benja aka my soulmate? xD sorry but I'm a fangirl and basically in love with him. Don't judge me :P but srsly: He's mine. :3 I have no chance but whatever. #MEMERALD FTW ship it peeps xD



Applefall ran around nervously, fur blowing in the high winds around her. "Ravenpaw?" she called.

A cat appeared in the midst, looking as confused and nervous as Applefall. "Hey!" Applefall called, approaching the cat.

The cat turned to her and backed up. "Who are you?" she asked nervously. She had light brown fur with dark brown ears and green eyes, and dark brown stripes across her back.

"My name is Applefall, I'm from-"

"BirchClan? I can smell it." Applefall raised her eyebrows. Scents in StarClan were so faint that no one really knew who was from which Clan! How could this cat know?

"And you're from..." Applefall trailed off, hoping for an answer.

"PineClan. My name's Quailheart." Quailheart, what

Quialheart's ears shot up as she sniffed. "Someone else is here!" she meowed.

Applefall felt movement from the ground. "Two cats, one heading here from the north and the other southeast (CATS KNOW GEOGRAPHY! YES!)," Applefall told her. A thought popped into her mind: Maybe Quailheart was part of the same prophecy as Applefall!

The cat coming from the north came first. It was a tom, with jet black fur and dark brown eyes. He was large and muscular, looking pretty menacing. "Who're you two?" he asked, growling.

"I-I'm Applefall, and this is Quailheart..." Applefall stammered.

"I'm from PineClan and she's from BirchClan," Quailheart added nervously.

The tom grunted. "I'm Dusktail from OakClan," he meowed.

Applefall wondered why they were gathered here in this dream place, and why they all were from different Clans. The other cat padded over. Another tom, a small one, with bright yellow fur and a nick in his left ear. He looked like an apprentice.

"Hi!" the younger tom meowed cheerfully. He looked a bit nervous around Dusktail, but covered it up with his happiness. "My name's Mousepaw!"

So it was an apprentice. Why were they all gathered here? Applefall thought about it, trying to put the pieces together but failing to do so.

"You're from MapleClan, aren't you?" Quailheart asked. Mousepaw nodded.

Something clicked in Applefall's head. "Do you guys have powers?" she blurted out.

Quailheart was the first to respond. "What do you mean?"

Before she could answer, another cat appeared. It was a white she with a starry white pelt and glowing green eyes.

"You are the four," the starry cat meowed. "The four that will save the Clans from destruction."

Dusktail growled. "And why should we believe that?" he asked.

"Because," the cat replied calmly, "You all are special. Applefall can sense other cats from the movement they make on the ground. Quailheart has an extensive and amazing sense of smell. Dusktail can't be beaten in any battle, and Mousepaw is unbelievably fast."

The cats looked at each other. Applefall nodded, knowing that what the cat said about her powers was true. Quailheart agreed next, then Mousepaw, and finally Dusktail.

"You have to fight together against anything in your way, but your biggest challenge will be each other. You must not fight with each other, or else the prophecy will be ruined. As the four, you will be connected to StarClan forever. But your prophecy intertwines with another one."

"Mistyleaf's kits," Applefall whispered.

"Yes, Applefall. Mistyleaf's kits will help you in battle, Ravenpaw with telekinesis, Frostpaw with telepathy, and Lynxpaw with teleportation. Although you all are strong as can be, be warned: this battle will not be easy. Not even for you." And with that, the starry she-cat disappeared.

"What do we do now?" Quailheart meowed nervously.

"We have to meet!" Mousepaw piped up.

"The next Gathering isn't for a while," Applefall realized.

"Then we must meet at a hidden location some other time," Dusktail growled.

"The night of the half moon in the old Twolegplace?" Mousepaw meowed.

"Yes," Quailheart agreed.

"Half moon it is," Applefall meowed. Dusktail just growled in agreement. Man, that cat was antisocial.

Applefall woke up to Gingerlight poking her in the side over and over. "Get up, you lazy butt!" Gingerlight meowed.

Applefall pushed out Gingerlight's paws from under her, causing her sister to tumble down. "Hey!" Gingerlight pouted.

"Don't call me a lazy butt, you lazy butt," Applefall teased. Although she seemed like her normal self, questions swirled in Applefall's head. The prophecy. The four. Battles. And most of all, Clawfur's words to her, that Gingerlight would kill herself to be part of the prophecy. And Applefall knew that if Gingerlight found out about the prophecy, then she would lose her sister.

And Applefall was not going to let that happen.

To Be Continued

Has anyone ever wanted to go on Mitch piggyback style and take a selfie like that?

*raises hand*

xD anyway, sorry for the short chappy, I wanted to make Applefall at least know what her prophecy was...

I still wanna go piggyback riding on Mitch. And did anyone see the crab prank video that Jerome and Ryan did on him?


^^^^^ultimate fangirl^^^^^




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