Chapter 4

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Dani's POV

"You've been really quiet since you guys came back," Alyson whispered as she sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm just trying to watch the movie," I whispered back. Demi was sitting next to me but her head was at the front of the bed while I was resting mine on the headboard. We were watching some scary movie but I wasn't really paying attention. Every time Demi jumped, I had to choke back laughter.

"I know you're lying. I'm surprised holes haven't burned in the back of Demi's head yet, you've been staring at her so much."

I scowled. "Shut up and watch the movie."

"Did you guys kiss?"

"I said shut up."

Alyson smirked. "You kissed her."

I elbowed her in the ribs and she grunted then turned back to the tv.

"Guys, holy shit it's 1 in the morning," Demi said and sat up. "We have to sleep."

"Sam and Alexis are already out," Mary said and Laina laughed.

"We drew mustaches on them." Laina said and I snorted.

"They're going to kill you guys, you know that right?" I said and they chuckled and nodded.

"Ok so you all have blankets and sleeping bags right?" Demi asked.

"I don't, but I'll just take the other bed," Alyson said.

"Same," Alexis got comfortable where she was.

"Yay, cuddle buddy!" Aly said and skipped to the bed.

"You better be talking about the pillow because I like my space."

Alyson pretended to be sad but then smiled.

"Um, I don't have my stuff," I muttered and Demi looked at me. She smiled.

"It's fine, you can be my cuddle buddy," Demi winked, crawled up to me and snuggled under the covers.

I looked at Alyson urgently but she just smiled slyly and turned around.


Demi turned the TV off and the only light was coming from a small night light between the beds and the lights from outside.

I crawled under the covers and faced the window, my back to Demi. I couldn't sleep so I just stared out the window. I could hear everyone's steady breathing so I figured I was the only one awake. Then I felt Demi turn over and her arm wrapped around me.

"I think it looks even more beautiful outside now," she whispered. I could feel her breath on my ear and I shivered.

She was acting like nothing happened and it made me angry. But I couldn't take my mind off of the way she was holding me right now. It was so calming.

I wriggled back so I was completely against her. I was probably never going to experience this kind of calm feeling again so I wanted every bit of it I could get. I pushed the anger out of my head and relaxed against her.

Demi sighed and her breath tickled the back of my neck. After awhile, sleep finally overcame me and I fell asleep in Demi's arms.


I woke up when a loud clatter sounded in the bathroom.

"Fuck," Demi shouted.

"You ok?" I called.

"Yeah, I dropped my shampoo bottle," Demi called back.

I started to get comfortable again when I actually processed the shower running. I sat up and looked around the room. Everyone was gone.

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