Chapter 5

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Dani's POV

"Oh my gosh, Demi," I laughed and slapped her arm.

"It was just a burp," Demi said and smiled.

"Funny, I never really imagined you burping before," I said, still laughing.

She laughed and rolled her eyes.

We were walking to her room in the hotel. I kept looking at the Build-a-Bear she was holding and rolling my eyes.

"What?" she asked when she noticed me.

"You're such a kid, I swear," I rolled my eyes again. She hugged the bear tighter and stuck her tongue out at me, making me laugh.

"Ok, this is your stop," I said when we stopped at her door.

"You're not sleeping here?" She actually looked upset.

"Well, no I have my own room."

"Maybe you should stay here, that way Alyson and Sam can each have a bed," Demi said and shrugged.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"What are you doing?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, last night you kiss me. And it was an amazing kiss. Then you act like it's nothing when, really, it's a huge fucking deal. You make me think that you don't fucking care about me, about the kiss, but then you hold me all night, you were all over me today and now you want me to stay with you the whole time I'm here. What is going on with you?"

Demi was quiet. She stared down at the ground, shifting her feet.

"I don't know," was all she said.

"I'm going to my room. I can't stay here. I can't hang out with you because I can feel me getting these feelings for you and it's obvious you won't return them. I don't even know what I was thinking." I walked away with that.

"Dani," Demi called after me but I ignored her.

When I got to my room and went inside, Sam and Alyson were already in there.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," Aly teased me from the bathroom. Sam looked away from her phone and at me.

"You ok?" She asked. "You look kind of glum."

I smiled at her and nodded. "I'm fine," I said and started playing with my sleeves.

Alyson walked out of the bathroom and looked at me. She watched as I played with the sleeves and gave me a look. She knew that's what I did when things started getting bad.

"I'm fine," I repeated, assuring her that I wouldn't do anything.

Alyson narrowed her eyes at me.

"Did you and Demi fight?" Sam asked.

"You ask as if we were a couple."

Sam shrugged. "Everyone noticed her being all over you. So she's a lesbian?"

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "No, she's just being a good friend."

"Mmhm," Sam smiled and winked.

"Look, I'm just going to bed," I said and went to the bed.

"Don't you want to change and take your makeup off?" Alyson asked.

I nodded and got ready for bed. By the time I was done, Aly and Sam were in their bed.

"I heard you're a blanket hog so you get your own bed," Sam said and I laughed.

"Thanks," I put my phone on the nightstand and got in the bed. Alyson turned the light off and right away they fell asleep.

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