The Secret Relationship

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I think if idols and celebrity read this they could relate. I just dreamt this story then I realize that this will be better if I write this on wattpad. This story was a forbidden love so they kept their relationship. Only their family and themselves know about their relationship. But suddenly, they have a big problem. Will they continue their relationship?


The characters will be posted on the next chapter. And I want to inform you that my new story "Bringing Back The Past" is now hiatus. I'm so sorry. I make it hiatus because I forgot the plot that I made for it. But don't worry "9 guys?!" is not hiatus. I'll still update it and I'll give some spoiler clue for chapter 6. Someone will disapper like a bubble. Now the question is who is it?

Thank you for everything! Especially to my readers. Thank you. Kamsahabnida. Gomabseubnida. Gomawo. Saranghae chingus!

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