18- Reveal each other's

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Mark's POV

What should I do? I hate myself why did I kissed Sana.


"Mark oppa why do you look sad?" Sana said and entered my room.

"Do I look sad?" I asked her.

"Ne because you've been quiet the whole day," she said.

"I accpet it I'm sad," I said and kissed her.

~back to reality...

But why did Sana said that I'm her boyfriend? I regret to what I did. I wish it was just a dream.

I'm wrong. I said to Mina that she'd change but the real one who've changed was me.

I'm sorry Mina. I went to her room and knocked. Tzuyu opened the door.

"Sunbaenim wae?" She asked.

"Is Mina there? Please say I want to talk to her," I said.

"Mianhae oppa. I don't know where Mina is. But I believe earlier she and Minkyung eonni were talking to The8 oppa, Wonwoo oppa, Jisoo oppa and Junhui oppa," she said.

"Eodi?(Where?)" I asked.

"I saw them in the terrace," she said.

"Ah okay thank you," I said.

I walked going to the terrace. I actually run going there. I saw Mina with them. She looks happy. Is she not affeced by what happened earlier?

They all look at me. "Mark sunbaenim want to join us?" Roa said.

"Aniyo I just want to talk to Mina," I said.

"Wae?" Mina said and she went to me.

"Mina about earlier..," she stopped me.

"Ani don't worry I'll keep secret your relationship to Sana eonni. I'm a good secret keeper," she said.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Sorry for what? I don't remember a bad thing you've done for me. So don't be sorry," she said.

"Sorry for breaking you. Sana isn't my new girlfriend. You are still my only love," I said.

"But you already broke up with me right? Have you forgotten it?" She asked.

Mina's POV

"Mina I wasn't meant to broke up with you," he said.

Mark you've hurt me and now you're saying you didn't meant it. WTF?!

"Mark can you just stop? We've been in a relationship for almost 1 month. You court me for a month. You'll just throw that away just because you think I've changed?" I said. "I changed but your revenge was to much. You kiss my groupmate. I wiss I just didn't come in here."

"Mark it looks like it's not me who doesn't love you anymore, it's you," I added. "If I know this will happen, how I wish that I shouldn't enter this relationship. Again let's part ways here."

I said and go back to Minkyung and other svt members. "I'm back chingus," I said.

"Mina eonni are you okay?" Minkyung said. I nodded.

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