10- Swimming

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Someone's POV

It's early in the morning. It's 4AM. I don't know why I suddenly don't like to sleep anymore.

I prepare a milk for myself. I saw a note pased on the refrigirator.

Kyahhh!!! Mian

Omo! Who wrote this? With all mu curiosity I write to note too.

Nugu yah?

After I wrote that. I went back to my room.

Mina's POV

It's now 4:30. But I still can't sleep. I just get water. As I see the refrigirator someone wrote at the note I pasted here that was supposed to be for Mark. There was written:

Nugu yah?

Omo! Who's this jerk? Yah!! Fvck!


We are now on our way going to the beach. I was sitting beside Sana eonni. She was sleeping so I got board. I just message Nayeon eonni.

Me: Nayeon eonni. Earlier...
Nayeon: Mwo?
Me: I want to tell you something since you're the only person I trust
Nayeon: What's that??
Me: Mark is my boyfriend
Nayeon: What the? Mina don't joke around.
Me: It's true
Nayeon: Okay I'll help you hide your secret.
Me: Kamsa eonni. But earlier...
Nayeon: What happened?
Me: I wrote a note for Mark and paste it on the refrigirator but when I got back. A new note was pasted it says "Nugu Yah?" And it's from Handsome Than You.
Nayeon: OMO! I have a feeling that it was a guy
Me: You think so. I think its a girl.
Nayeon: Aniyo. Trust me it was a guy. You must ride on his notes for you until you make him confess he was a guy.
Me: Okay I'll surely do it. Kamsa.
Nayeon: Aniyo. Always take care.

"We're here," Jackson Oppa said. They hop off the van but I just stay outsude the van. Joshua and Jun also stayed there.

"Mina right?" Joshua asked. I nodded. "I'm Joshua and this is Jun."

"Ah ne, nice to meet you," I said and bow. "By the way, Jun I'm sorry for the attitude of Mark shown yesterday."

"Tsk. Next time if he they wants suggestion don't ask us suggest by theirselves," Jun said.

"Yah! Jun accept the sorry of Mina," Joshua said.

"I will not. I'll just accept that if Mark himself say sorry to us. He called us spoiled," Jun said and leave.

"Mina mianhae on Jun's attitude his pride was indeed high," Joshua said. "I gotta go now. See yah!"

I like Joshua's attitude. "Mina-ssi!" Mark called. I come to him.

"Yah! Why are you talking to those pledis artist?" Mark asked.

"I'm just saying sorry for you because of what happened yesterday," I said.

"I just don't like them especially that Jun. I have a strong feeling about him," Mark said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Nevermind," He answered.

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