20- ff: Rehearsal

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After 1 month...

Mark's POV

It's been one month since Mina and I broke up. We are now at the practice room. We're practicing for our JYP Nation.

Even though 1 month have passed. I'm still disappoined to myself because of what I did to Mina. I'm very sorry.

I went out the practice room to get a drink in the vending machine. There are 2 vending machine there. I chose the vending machine in the left one.

Suddenly Mina appear while talking to her phone. She's also getting drinks. She get two drinks. "I just went out to get our drinks and you're now calling?" I heard her said. "Moon Junhui or even Wen Junhui, patience is virtue."

"Mina," I said. I thought the other drink was for Nayeon but I know Nayeon isn't here.

"Sunbaenim waeyo?" She said and smile. Why is it she isn't unconfortable?

"Can I talk to you at the terrace?" I said.

"Ne but I'll just give this drink to Jun. Jakkuman," she said and run upstairs.

Mina's POV

We are at the terrace. I should make this conversation comfortable. "Sunbaenim what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I missed you," he said. "I still love you Mina. Let's be back."

"Huh? Mwoya?" I asked. As if I don't hear anything. Yah I also miss you and I also still love you.

He kissed me. I pulled off the kiss. "After embarrassing me you'll kiss me. After breaking my heart you'll kiss me. After confronting me you'll kiss me? You haven't a right," I said and slap him.

"Mian," he said. I cry.

"I can't move on because of you. I even abandon a very trustworthy friend for you than you'll just set me aside," I said. "If you just know how much I suffer because of you."

"Saranghae," he said.

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