22- A good start

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Mina's POV

'Saranghabnikka~ gwaenchanha? I want a good start I still need you. Please complete me again. My heart was missing, help me to find it.'

Those are the word that I want to say to you, Mark. Why it's very hard to move on? Do I still have some space in your life?

I'm now at the vending machine while getting drinks for Nayeon eonni. We are at the Pledis Headquarters to practice for our encore song.

I went back to the practice room. "Nayeon eonni, here's your drink," I said and hand her the drink.

"Mina-ssi are you excited for our concert?" I heared Jun said. I don't know why I didn't answer him. "Mina-ssi gwaenchanha?"

"Oh?" I asked. "Ahmm...yes I'm excited." I manage to smile so that they will not get worried.

Nayeon's POV

Mina is getting close to Jun. What if they will recognize each other. I should make Mina and Mark back. It's the right.

I get my phone and message Mark.

To: Mark

Mark please break up with Sana if you really loves Mina. She's having a hard time now and she's with Jun. Don't let her just to be with Jun. Fight for your love to her. Jebal. I don't want her to get hurt.

I hope, Mark. Come back to Mina. Don't wait until they fall for each other. Mark replied.

From: Mark

I'm trying to...

To: Mark

Try hard. I'm begging you. Don't let them be together.

From: Mark

By any chance, do you like Jun?

To: Mark

Aniyo! I just don't like Mina to blame herself and blame me...

From: Mark

What do you mean?

I don't want to tell him anything about Jun because mark will just be mad at Mina. I want Mark to be with Mina again.

Mina's POV

I'm walking at the street going back to the dorm. I wear a mask and a cap to cover my face. Suddenly, someone pulled me into a hug.

"Mina, I miss hugging you." His familiar deep voice collide with my skin. I shiver feeling his breath which I miss.

I hug him back and about to cry. "If you just know, how much I miss you. Mark, all I know is hatred. Jealousy devour me so much that I had a hard time without you."

I really miss Mark. With his hug, every grills I build to cage my heart has been breached and is now beating again for this guy.

"Sana and I broke up. I only want to be with you and no one else, Mina. I love you. Let's be together again." I felt a droplet of warm liquid to my cheeks.

"I love you too Mark," I said. He pulled off the hug. "Want some ramyeon at the convenience store?"

"Oh sure! You should really buy me a ramyeon since we haven't make out for a month. And before I forgot, I'll be giving you a gift tomorrow at the rehearsal," he said.

"Gift? For what?" I asked with a confused look.

"I should have given that to you during our trip in the Philippines but you know Sana thing happened," he explained.

Oww! How sweet. Mark is such a cutie. I'm sorry PDnim, I am disobeying your degree, I just can't help myself. And I should be happy atleast.

We enter the convenience store and make ramyeon. We eat and mostly talk about what we missed in each other's one month.



Here is the Chapter 22. Sorry it's short. So, I haven't update for almost a year and I hope your hunger for Mina and Mark moment is now satisfied since they are together again in this book.

No hate fam, I don't want Sana to bitch around, I really love her. But a book can't be interesting if there's no antagonist.

See you in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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