19- Mina v.2.0

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Mina's POV

I'll make you regret Mark. You just waste a precious girl.

I was going back to my room. I saw Mark talking to Sana. "Mina-ah!" Sana called.

"Waeyo?" I asked and smiled. "Since you're friend with Pledis Artist why don't convince them to approve our date plan?"

"Why don't you be the one to tell them. I'm not your maid to grant commands from you. Tsk," I said and go to my room.

"Eonni you're now here," Tzuyu said. "By the way, earlier Mark Oppa was looking for you."

"Ah. Okay," I said. "Oh I forgot to ask Jackson what we'll do tomorrow, I'll just ask him."

I went out to ask Jackson. He's watching television. "Oppa!!!" I yelled.

"Mina-ssi waeyo?" He asked. He's like a brother to me.

"Just wanna ask you what we'll do tomorrow," I asked.

"Oh I almost forgot. Can you please call your members?" He said.

I call them, Tzuyu, Momo and Bitch Sana. We all gather into the living room.

"I call you all here to ask you what we'll do tomorrow?" He asked.

"What if we group into two then each group will go wherever they wanted to," Bambam suggested then all of us agreed.

"Mina eonni, let's group with Seventeen sunbaenim," Roa said. I nodded.

"Tzuyu yah come here let us group," Sana said.

"Ani. I want to Mina eonni's group," Tzuyu said and come to us.

"Can I group with them," Mark said and point to us.

"Aniyo! 7 members each group," Sana shouted.

"Locking other's freedom. What a desperate person," I said.

"What did you just said? Desperate?" Sana asked.

"You heard it clearly," I said.

"I'm not desperate," she said.

"Guilty? I'm not saying that you are desperate. Its you who say you're desperate," I said and smirk.

"Stop it," Jackson said.

"But it is your point. I'm not desperate. I'm just saying the truth. Pabo," she said.

"Pabo yourself," I said in sarcastic way.

"Jackson said stop!" Mark said. "Mina will you please just stop."

"Naega? How could you?" I said.

"Can you also stop Sana," Jun said. "It's not just Mina's fault. Don't be just in Sana's side."

"Yah! Hajima!" Jackson shouted.

"Mina started it. So that I confront her," Mark said.

"She's not saying that Sana is the desperate. Maybe Sana's indeed guilty because of her expression," Jun said.

"Mark! I'm disappointed," I said and about to cry but I pull Tzuyu and Roa to the terrace.

We reach the terrace and I cry. "Eonni tell me the truth. I know you're hiding something," Tzuyu said.

I told them the story. "Omo! How could he?" Roa said.

"If he really know how much I regret all of that," I said. "Tzuyu. Tomorrow I will not come with you guys. I'll just go somewhere."

I'm going to go in an amusment park. I want to be the happiest person in the world even just for one day.

"You sure its okay for you if you're alone?" Tzuyu said. "We could come with you, us. Jun, Wonwoo, The8, Joshua, Roa and me."

"Ani I want to be alone," I said.

Mark. I do loved you. Why are you doing this to me. Haven't you loved me. Mark I want to go back with you. I still love you but why I feel that you doesn't really love me anymore?

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