16- The Revelation??

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Mina's POV

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Why am I waiting? Am I excited to know who he is? Oh no!! Yes I loved him but I already said goodbye. But why now? It feels that I'm still hoping for us.

My phone vibrates. I quickly look into it. Maybe it's Nayeon eonni. But it wasn't Nayeon eonni. It was Mark calling me. I answer.

Mark: Mina get pack your bags. Our flight is will be tomorrow
Me: Krae. Do we have tickets already?
Mark: None we'll just buy tickets tomorrow
Me: Mark I'm waiting for Nayeon eonni's message to me about something if she answered me I'll not come back in Korea with you. I'll stay. But if she didn't answer I'll go with you.
Mark: What is it about?
Me: It's not that special.
Mark: Mina tell me what is it?
Me: Mark please respecr my privacy
Mark: But Mina I'm your boyfriend so I should know enough from you. Yet everything wasn't enough
Me: Mark please
Mark: Are we still in a relationship or we should just cool down for a while? It feels like I'm already tired.
Me: Are you brealing up with me?
Mark: I don't know. It just feel like we are both tired of each other
Me: I never get tired of loving you. But you, you seemed to be tired of loving me. Do you even love me? Do you still love me?
Mark: Mina I'm getting crazy and crazy because of this. You are the one who changed that's why. Whwn we go here you've changed.
Me: Yes I agree with that
Mark: Tell me Mina what's wrong? You know, the reason why I want to go back in Korea quickly? Because I want to see again the Mina that I loved.
Me: I've changed because I feel that you  don't trust me
Mark: I know Mina you trust me but a girl is different from a boy. A boy wants an open relationship.
Me: I'm trying to be open but...

I didn't finish what I want to said. He ended the call. I call him again and he picked it up.

Me: Sorry,
Mark: Mina let's cool dow for a while maybe if we both realizes that we are really ready. Let's be back again
Me: Mark I don't want to
Mark: You don't want ot but I know you need it
Me: Please Mark don't
Mark: Mina, let's just find ourselves first and take a look back on the things that we were used to be and the things which are the reason why we loved each other
Me: Mark hajima
Mark: Mina we will just give some time to each other to think. Goodbye

He ended the call and I was ended up crying. I love Mark very much. I also love HandsomeThanYou. I wish I have two hearts so I can love both of them.

Nayeon's POV

I can't believe it. Mina why he? Omo! Mina you love him. You loved a good dancer. Such a good taste Mina.

HandsomeThanYou is none other than...

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