~-Chapter One-~

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  "No! No! No, turn it off!" I cringed into Louis's shoulder, shielding my eyes from the horror movie we were watching.

  "Americans." Liam muttered, pausing it.

  "What was that?" I asked, giving him 'the look'.

 "Oh nothing." He smiled. "Why don't you want to watch it?"

   "It's freaking the hell out of me!" I cried, pulling the blanket closer around me and snuggling into Louis.

 "Don't worry, Candace, I'll fend the ghosts off with carrots." Louis smiled.

    "Yeah, because carrots are terrifiying. Play it!" Zayn laughed, wrestiling for the remote. He won.

 I could NOT watch this movie. It would give me nightmares, I knew it.

      Louis and I were curled up on the leather couch in between Harry and Niall and Liam and Zayn. It was pitch black in the room, the only light coming from the horror film. It cast shadows under Louis's cheekbones, making him look way older than twenty-one. I looked over to Niall, watching his reaction to the movie.

  He watched intently with those gorgeous blue eyes, his blonde hair mussed from laying down. Niall looked utterly adorable, and I felt a pang of longing in my chest.

  Whoa, what was that? I didn't like Niall. Not in that way. I looked away quickly to find Louis watching me, a knowing grin spread across his face.

  "Niall?" He mouthed. See, the boys all knew I liked someone in the band. And for months they had been trying to figure out who it was. It had been dificult for them, considering I didn't know who it was myself. Did I HAVE to like someone? No. But if I did, it would be Niall. Then Louis. Then Liam. But Niall always came first.

   I shrugged at him, focusing on the ground, my cheeks growing warm.


I tossed and turned that night. Or morning, I should say. The boys had kept me up late, and when I finally insisted on sleep, it wouldn't come.

  My mouth was dry, making it hard to swallow. I sighed, rolling out of bed and gently opened my door.

 Trying to be as quiet as possible, I walked down the winding staircase and into our kitchen that would have made Martha Stewart jealous. Niall and Liam sat at the table, munching on some Oreos.

    "Hey," I whispered, filling my glass with water.

 "Hello. I should really be getting to bed," Liam stood up, pushing in his chair. "You guys should too. Big day today." He yawned hugely before hugging me and waving to Niall.

  "Can't sleep?"Niall asked, his Irish accent making my heart flutter.

 "No. Stupid movie." I smiled.

  He grinned back. "I'm going to bed soon. Care to join me?"

 Did... Did Niall just ask me to sleep with him? Not like... sex, but like actual sleep. Hurry up, Candace! Answer him!

  "You don't mind?"

 "Not at all." He shoved the cookies back into the cabinet. He held out his arm. "Shall we?"

   "We shall." I laughed quietly, linking my arm through his.

 His room was so... Niall. A large plush bed sat in one corner, a desk pushed under the window. Clothes were strewn everywhere except for the one cleared space where his guitar sat.

 "Sorry about the mess," He smiled sheepishly, tossing the covers out on his bed.

  "It's not nearly as bad as Lou's room." I climbed in.

 The sheets were cold but soon warm with both Niall and I under them. He wrapped his arms around me.

  "Sweet dreams, Candace," He murmured.

 "Sweet dreams, Nialler." And then, with his scent wreathed all around me and his warm arms protecting me, I was out like a light.

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