~-Chapter Eleven-~

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                                                        -Niall Horan's Point of View-

    "I told you," A voice muttered.

  "Damn it. I knew she would do this," Another voice said.

  "How about we just act like we never this? Blackmail them a little." Said a third.

 "Why isn't Niall wearing a shirt?" The four different voices could have easily been distinguished if I wasn't still half-asleep.

 "Hey, mates, we have a concert in six hours. We should wake them." That voice was.... Louis, I think.

   "Already awake, you fucktards." Candace mumbled against my chest. I laughed softly at her statement.

 "Dude, put on a shirt!" Harry said. I opened my eyes.

  "Damn, Haz, put on some CLOTHES." I rolled out of bed, running a hand through my hair. Memories of last night flashed through my head, making me smile.

  "Never!" He shouted, sitting on Candace.

 "Hazza, gross! I don't mind you sitting on me if you're wearing pants! Boxers, at least!" She cried, making sure my blankets separated them.

  "You only like me for my body!" He started hugging her.

 "NO! Jimmy protested!" Louis quoted himeslf, scooping Candace up bridal-style.

  "Now what if I had been naked?" She adjusted her shirt which was riding up on her stomach.

 "Well..." Louis was turning red, smiling. Candace hit his chest as he carried her out of the room.

 "What do you mates need?" I asked, rifling through my drawers.

 "Have you ever heard Candace sing?" Liam asked. This surprised me.

 "Who hasn't? She always sings in the shower and in the car. Why do you ask?" I sat beside Harry.

 "Did you know she plays piano?"

 "Well, you have known her longer than any of us so I figured you might have taught her once,"

 "I did. And she is phenominal at it. I was thinking we bring her out on stage to play for I Want. Then maybe... Nialler, I know it's a lot to ask, considering she's your girlfriend and all, but I'd like to do a duet with her."

 "That's a great idea but... what song?" I asked warily. I had my limits and Liam was treading on thin ice.

  "I... um, actually, it's probably you who should sing it with her. It would only make sense." Liam was stalling.

 Harry whispered the song into my ear, just in case Candace could hear us. "Liam, I don't think I'm comfortable with you singing that with her."

 "I know... but I really think she should sing at the concert. You should do it. Or Louis,"

 "Not that song. No." I said sternly. Louis couldn't sing a love song with her.

    "That's why you should do it." Liam said.

  "But... I don't know." I sighed. "Does she even know the song?"

     "Yeah. It was the first thing I taught her."

  "I... Are you lot okay with it?" I didn't want to take away their fame.

   "Perfectly. But I think Lou might be a little jealous." Harry was serious.

 "That's just... great." I sighed again, standing up to go get some food.


 "What...are...you...doing?!" I walked into the kitchen, to see Louis and Candace covered in ketchup and mustard, bits of cheese and ham everywhere.

   They looked like two guilty children, staring at their feet.

  "Well?" I asked.

 "Lou was making a sandwich and got mustard on me... so I grabbed the ketchup and..." Candace met my gaze, smiling sheepishly.

  "Go take a shower," I grinned, kissing her lips, avoiding all the food that covered her. Then Candace ran both of her ketchup-covered hands through my hair, making it sticky with the stuff.

  "You did not just do that." I said slowly. Louis was rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter.

 "Oh..." She dabbed mustard on the tip of my nose. "I think I did."

 I flashed forward, grabbing items they had laid out on the countertop and then... well, to say the least, we had a food fight.

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