~-Chapter Nine-~

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                                                   -Liam Payne's Point of View-

  It wasn't exactly a hotel. More like an apartment, considering it had five rooms. Five. We had six people. No doubt Candace and Niall would room together...

  "No, no, I'll sleep on the couch." Candace insisted.

 "No." I said, hoping she would want to stay in my room.

  "Yes. You guys need your seperate rooms and I would rather sleep out here." She was lying. I could see it in her eyes, those wonderful green-gold gems.

 "You can stay in my room," Niall smiled, hope glowing on his face. Ugh. Not fair.

 What did he have that I didn't?! Why didn't Candace like me? Why Niall...?

  "Actually-" Candace started, but Lou interrupted.

 "Hey, how about you stay in my room? Harry sleeps naked, that might make Niall uncomfortable. And you were injured the last time in Liam's. You'd never get any sleep with Zayn's snoring and we can't have you getting pregnant in Niall's room. So it's decided. My booberdoo, my best friend, my room."

  We were all shocked with his straight-forwardness. Candace could only agree.

 Oh Louis, you clever, clever boy.


This late already? Time changes were screwing me up. But it was midnight, and we had a concert tomorrow.

   "Goodnight, mates," Harry said, stretching and heading fo the room he had claimed. Zayn checked his reflection in the mirror before facing us.

  "Goodnight, behave, don't use all the hot water in the morning." He waved.

 "And then there were four..." Louis grinned.

  "Three. I'm heading to bed as well. You lot better get some sleep." I yawned, training my eyes on Candace. Her and Niall weren't sitting together... why? Did something happen?

  Don't get me wrong, I love them both to death. And even though she has a special place in my heart, Niall was my best mate and I only wanted the best for him.

   "Night, Liam," She said. I smiled and walked to my room.

 I sighed, sitting on the bed, ruffling my hair. Get your head out of love, and into music Liam. Focus on the songs, not the girl. Focus on anything other than the feelings you have because honestly, they have to go away. In order for everyone to be happy, make yourself not like her. Do it for her. Do it for you. Do it for Niall. Just do it so no one gets hurt...

                                                    -Candace Miller's Point of View-

  There was a way I could tell when Niall's yawns were fake. His jaw always popped when it was real. And, right now, his jaw was not popping.

    "Go to bed, Niall," Louis said.

  "No, I want to stay up with you guys." Another fake yawn. What was he doing?

 "We'll go to bed, too." Lou stood up, heading off to where we were sleeping at. This was my chance.

   "What are you doing?" I whispered.

  He just winked and pulled me in for a hug. Something stiff slid into my back pocket. "Sweet dreams, beautiful."

  Louis had entered our room, now, and was out of sight.

 Niall kissed my forehead and then he was off to his room. I whipped the thing from my pocket.

 A note. It read: 'Meet me in my room when Lou falls asleep. I'll be waiting. -Nialler' there was a heart at the end that made me smile. I slipped it back in my pocket then practically skipped to the room.


  'The Carrot King is asleep. Be there as soon as possible.' I texted Niall as I moved Louis's arm from across my face. He was the craziest sleeper in the world. My phone vibrated on the pillow, causing Lou to freak out.

  "THERE'S A BOMB ON THE PLANE! GET DOWN! OH NO, NOT THE CARROTS! WWHHHYYYYYYYYYY?!" He screamed. I snatched the phone up, giggling.

  'Hurry!!! Xxx' It vibrated once more. 'Oh my, I can hear him from here. ;) xx' I smiled at the text and moved from the bed.

  I was wearing my usual black jersey-knit shorts and a plain gray t-shirt. My heel didn't hurt as much anymore.

  Niall's room was the farthest down the hall. I tiptoed past all the other boy's rooms, listening intenly. Zayn was snoring like a chainsaw, as usual. Harry was snoring also, but not as loud. Liam was... singing?

  "There's no stopping us right now, I feel so close to you right now," He was singing in his sleep. Aw. And I loved that song.

  I was humming it as I reached the wooden door to Niall's room. I opened it as soundlessly as possible, shutting it just as quietly. I was surprised about what happened next.

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