~-Chapter Fifteen-~

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                                                    -Niall Horan's Point of View-

  The plane was quiet. Everything was quiet lately. I ached. Not in one particular spot, just everywhere. It hurt too. My eyes stung and I was biting my lip so hard that it was bleeding.

  A shrill ring was coming from Liam's pocket, and he pulled out his iPhone.

 "Hello?" He asked into the speaker. A voice talked for a few seconds. "Yes, were about five hours away from the airport." Another pause. "I don't know. No one will talk." His eyes flashed to me for a second. "She's what?!" Liam yelled suddenly, jumping from his seat.

  "Sir, please sit down." A shy flight attendant said.

 "What are you talking about Simon?! She just wanted time alone not- not this!" Liam sat down, still furious. Liam was never furious. 

  He was the calm, reasonable, rational one of the band. Other than Zayn.

 "She... Simon, don't let her. Please." His voice was shaky. Then Simon said something he didn't want to hear. "No! You can't let her leave!"

  Let her leave? He could only be talking about Candace. What was going on?

 I sat up, listening to their conversation, straining my ears to hear Uncle Si. Liam decided to put him on speakerphone for us all.

  "I'm sorry. But I can't force her to stay. She said specifically to not be around you all. She called me from the plane and said she was leaving the band."

  Chills poured down my back. I wasn't seeing the phone anymore. I was seeing her face, and seeing those texts she had sent me.

  "But... Simon, please-" Louis said for the first time since I'd left the limo.

  "I can't do anything, boys.''

 "At least delay her or something. Tell the pilot to stop the plane. We have to get to the house before her, maybe change her mind." Harry said.

  "I'll... okay, I'll see what I can do."

 "Thanks, Uncle Si." Liam hit the end button. Then they all looked at me.

 "Niall, we understand that you are upset. Maybe with her, maybe not. But we can't let her leave." Liam said.

 I just nodded, unable to do anything else. Candace was going to leave us. And not say a word about it. I pulled out my phone, skimming through our multiple texts from long ago.

 '"I could be crying for a countless number of reasons, but I'm smiling because of one; you."' I texted her. She didn't reply.

 Zayn tried calling her, with no such luck. Harry and Li didn't get any texts back. Louis didn't even try, knowing she wouldn't reply to him.

  I didn't know what to think, or to believe. I just knew that Candace was the love of my life... and I couldn't let her get away.

                                                  -Candace Miller's Point of View-

    I had twenty- three missed calls. Seven texts from Harry. Three from Zayn. One from Niall. None from Louis. Fourty- six from Liam.

  Yes, Liam had texted my fourty- six times already.

 'Candace, where are you?' 'Lou is really sorry. We all are.' 'Niall is crying.' 'Please answer.' 'Please.' 'I love you.' 'Answer! You are always so stubborn!' These were the short ones that he'd sent.

  My phone vibrated again, this time with a phone call. It was Louis.

 I debated answering it, whether it would cause drama or if I should just say "Fuck it," and answer. I went with the last one.

  "Hello?" I answered.

 "Candace... Please don't hang up."

 "I won't."

 ''I shouldn't have said those things. Please say you forgive me."

 I didn't say anything. There was a slight crackle of the other end. Huh, must have bad reception. "Listen, Lou, what you said caused me to lose the only person I've ever truly loved, ever been in love with. Niall was the only person who understood me. He was all I ever cared about. YOU kissed me, then you told a lie about it and made him leave. I can't forgive you for something like that so easily."

 "I understood you, Liam understood you. Harry tries to and you won't let anyone in your life help you or be close to you but Niall."

  "I try to let you guys be close to me! I try to be best friends with you all! And the reason why I don't is exactly why were arguing right now. I trusted you, Lou, I loved you and then you ruin my life in two seconds. If YOU did that, how can I be positive none of the others would do much worse?"

  "They wouldn't because they aren't-"

 "Liam did it too! You and him were the reason's why the limo was quiet! The reason I was mad! You both did it!"

  "BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU!" Then the line went dead.

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