~-Chapter Three-~

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                                        -Candace Miller's Point of View-

  My cheeks were burning. I couldn't meet Niall's gaze and an awkward silence had set in. I remained sitting on his bed, staring at the ground. He sat beside me.

 "Sorry," He said softly. Sorry?

  "For what?"

 "That." Niall bit his lip. "I'm sorry they walked in and embarrassed you... You can leave if you want,"

  "What if I don't want to? They didn't embarrass me. I'm sorry they caught me in here."

 "I'm not." Our faces were close. So close that I could feel his warm breath on my face.

 One simple movement and it would have been a kiss. Niall started to lean forward, and I closed my eyes.

 I'd never kissed anyone before. I was so nervous. Niall brought his hand up to cup my cheek and I rememebered that he had never kissed anyone either.

  His lips were soft and gentle. Teasing, just like him. I smiled into the kiss, my hand playing with his hair which was soft and silky.

  "If I was you're boyfriend, never let you go. Keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone. I can be a gentleman, anything you want. If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go, I'd never let you go." The boys had broken in and were now singing Justin Bieber. Great.

  Although Boyfriend was my favorite song by JB, it made my cheeks flush that they had seen Niall and I kissing as they sang it.

 "How did you get in?" Niall asked, taking a sudden interest in the floor. Chewing on my lip, that still tasted like Niall, I agreed with him on it. The floor had such pretty carpet. What was that, an eggshell white?

  Something jingled and I risked looking up to see a beaming Harry holding a set of keys.

 "I'll be destroying those later on." I said, making a move for the door. Damn it, Zayn.

  He caught me around the waist, turning me around to face my upcoming torture. Louis was speaking.

  "Why were you kissing my booberdoo, Nialler?" He asked.

     I decided to jump in and save Niall from embarrassment. He didn't want them to know he'd kissed me. I was nothing special, nothing to brag about.

  "We weren't kissing." I said.

  "Oh really. Then what were you two doing?" Liam asked.

   "We were... uh..." I caught Niall's gaze. He decided to save us both.

 "Yes, we were kissing. Because... I'm... hungry." Niall jumped up and walked quickly from the room. "Who's up fpr breakfast? I am! Let's go!"


                                         -Niall Horan's Point of View-

I'm hungry?! Really Niall?! I'm so stupid. I'm in love with the girl! But I can't just blab it to her when she was trying to make up an excuse as to why we were kissing.

   I shouldn't have kissed her. She didn't want me to. I did want to, though. I have for the longest time.

 "How lovely. Snogging one minute, having a feast the next." Harry teased, flashing his signature grin.

 "Not snogging..." I muttered, my cheeks growing warm. I could feel someone watching me.

 I looked up to see Candace looking away. I tried to catch her eye again but she kept focusing on Louis. Of course... It was Louis she liked.

 'Boo-bear.' 'Booberdoo.' Cuddling together during the movie last night. They didn't know I saw but I did. She was hugging his waist, his arm around her, her head on his neck. That should have been ME...

  "I think it was sweet, eh Zayn?" Liam asked.

 "Yes." He answered before eating a strip of bacon. We were at some diner in town.

 "So don't worry, Nialler, we won't tell anyone." Liam took a drink of his tea.

  "Tell anyone what?"

  "That you guys are dating."

 Oh, I WISH. "We aren't dating..."

    "Yet." Liam winked. I was blushing again.

 I decided to finish off my breakfast. But not before sneaking a look at Candace. She was blushing too, sipping Liam's tea.

  Or it could be Liam she liked. They flirted on a daily basis. He always stared at her, sometimes she stared back. And she had requested sitting beside him over anyone else.

   Shit. Why couldn't it be me?!

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