~-Chapter Two-~

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                                                -Louis Tomlinson's Point of View-

  "Louis! Lou, wake up." Harry whispered urgently. I cracked an eye open slightly, just enough to see his outline in the dark room. Dark room.

  It was still dark outside... How?! We had all went to our rooms late last night and I hadn't fallen asleep until even later. Yet the dark red letters on the alarm clock read 4:00 AM.

    I groaned and closed my eyes, rolling over. "Go back to bed, mate."

  "No, Lou, look. I was walking down the hallway and Niall's door was cracked. I peeked in and Candace was in there."

  My eyes snapped open. Candace... Oh, she was so beautiful. And funny.  And my best friend... My boober-doo. I was her boobear. "She was what?! What were they doing?"

  My mind immediately thought of the worst. Had they... gotten together? What had happened in that room as we all slept?

   "Mate, I think something's going on with those two. From what I saw, they were just sleeping."

    "Well... maybe she was scared from the movie and didn't want to be alone... I don't think anything is going on." I was just trying to convince myself, and Harry, always being able to read me like a book, was aware of this as well.

  "Yes, but she could have gone to anyone. Normally, she'd have gone to you or Liam. Not Nialler,"

 "Gone to me for what?" Liam walked in, a toothbrush poking from his mouth.

  Harry laughed at Liam's face. I chuckled also as foam trickled down his chin.

 "Go look in Niall's room." Harry said as Zayn burst through the door, clutching his sides with silent laughter. He gasped and fell to the ground in a fit.

  I jumped up and went with Liam.

Niall's room was a mess. His clothes were EVERWHERE except for on his bed. Which held two sleeping forms, not just one. Behind us appeared Harry and Zayn. We all grinned and peered down at them.

   Niall had his mouth open slightly, his head leaning on top of Candace's. She was snuggled up in his embrace, with blankets wrapped around them.Even with me liking Candace as much as I did, I have to admit they were pretty adorable together.

   A smile formed on her lips before she buried her face into Niall's chest. I couldn't stifle the "Aww" that escaped my lips.

  I regretted it instantly. Niall sat up straight, pulling her with him. Both were fully awake now, and flushing a cherry red.

   Niall stood from the bed. "Out." He bunched us all together and pushed us to the door.

 "But Nialler-" Harry started, only to have the door shut in his face. Zayn tried the knob, but it wouldn't turn.

  "I regret ever having locks put on the doors." I muttered.

 "Use protection!" Harry called. Something thumped against the door. "No need to throw things..."

   "Guys, come on. We'll tease them later. Leave them alone." Liam didn't hide his smile as we all filed down the hall, down the stairs, into the kitchen.

     I could only hope that they were just talking or going back to sleep upstairs in that room.

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