~-Chapter Twenty-Two-~

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-Niall Horan's Point of View-

"This has been the most awkward week of my life." Zayn muttered to Harry one morning, thinking I could not hear or was too focused on my breakfast to pay attention.

"Tell me about it. But it's better now," Hazza whispered back. True, this had been an awkward week. What with the four-sided love triangle between Candace and three-fifths of One Direction.

"Hey, Niall, we were going to head down town today. Maybe shop around." Zayn said to me, "Want to come?"

"I don't know... I haven't been feeling good lately and I-"

"Come on, Nialler! It'll be fun!" Louis interrupted, cheerful as ever. Ugh. He was the only happy one in our deformed love triangle. Liam was actually "over-joyed." You could tell it was fake, though. Candace was normal, although I often caught her moving to touch me or sit by me, but realizing it and sitting by Liam. I, however, was miserable.

She was all I wanted, and all I couldn't have.

"I don't know, lads..." I said, running hands through my messy hair.

"You should come," Candace entered the kitchen. My heart fluttered at the hope that she wanted me to go with her. "We're all going." As soon as it formed, the hope died.

"Well, I guess." I said, trying to sound happy. Lou bit off the end of his carrot, leaning against the table. He offered me a bite.

"Not that big of a bite!" He cried as I moved to take a large piece. I laughed.

"Where's Li?" Harry said, spooning cereal into his mouth.

"Upstairs," I answered. He sat his bowl in the sink and headed up the stairs.

"I'll go with him. Wanna come Lou?" Zayn tossed a granola bar wrapper away. He and Louis followed after Haz, leaving Candace and me alone.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked, sitting in front of me.

"What's up?"

"Are we okay? Like... I'm tired of this awkwardness. I miss you."

My heart beat faster again, pounding in my chest. "I miss you too, Candace. We're okay but... I really miss you."

"It's just that-"

"You know, actually, no. Why can't we be together? Why did you break up with me?"

"Because if we date, I'm hurting someone. I'm constantly hurting someone. And if I told you why we broke up, I'd be hurting you even more." Candace bit her lip, looking at the table surface.

''I don't care. I need to know. I at least deserve knowing why."

"Louis kissed me. I kissed him back. If that happens then I can't date you.''


This whole day was full of surprises, huh? Because before I noticed what I was doing, I had my one hand on Candace's cheek, the other on her neck, and I was kissing her.

"Getting kissed a lot lately, aren't you?" I whispered against her lips.

"Why are you doing this to me?" She breathed.

"I can't live without you, Candace. And every second of every day that I can't call you mine almost kills me."

"Niall. It's not fair. I can't do this to you."

"How about this; we just be together, get rid of the pain, forget that you and Lou kissed, forget anything ever happened, and just be happy with one another."

"I'm not a slut."

"You aren't. I know. And this doesn't make you one. I need you like I need air. Please."


"I'm begging."

"Begging me to date you is like begging Lou to eat a carrot." She chuckled, and I laughedsoftly, running my hands through her soft, silky hair. I loved the feel of it.

"Hey! Apparently, carrots build confidence." Said Louis from behind me. I sighed and sat back down, removing my hands from her hair. I probably had the expression of a guilty puppy on my face.

The boys had been watching the entire thing. This whole time, they were there. They heard everything.

"And you will never be a slut, Candace." Harry said, sitting beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah. We love you and don't care how many of us you kiss." Zayn added.

"But the fans will be rude about it. Giving me all this hate about how-" She started, but Liam cut her off.

"The fans won't know about any of this. And of course we don't care so you have nothing to worry about. We love you. We don't judge anyone."

"Yeah, booberdoo. I know what will make you feel better. You can drive the Hummer." Louis gave a cheeky grin.

"Yeah..." Candace gave a weak smile, looking at me. I raised my eyebrows. She bit her lip and smiled slightly.

I grinned, looking down. Today, was going to be better. Maybe even the best.

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