~-Chapter Thirty-~

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(A/N: So. Effing. Pissed. Wrote this whole thing, erased it on accident. Now I have to rewrite it... -.- It was wayy longer and better written but it isn't as good now because I'm all angry and can't remember what I wrote. UGH.)

-Candace Miller's Point of View-

Niall and I slept together that night. No, you perverts, we actually slept. I've never had a more peaceful night, if I do say so myself.

Actually, every night since then has been peaceful. I feel so safe in Niall's arms.

"How about we go to the beach on our last day here?" Liam suggested, sitting at the table. It was one of the few peices of furniture left in the house. Yes, you heard Liam right. Last day here. We were finally moving to California.

Niall and I walked to our room we shared to change into our swimsuits. I was going to miss this big house when we moved.

I dug around in my packed suitcase to get my black bikini as Niall did the same for his swim trunks.

"Don't look!" I whined, my hands on the waist of my shorts.

"Are you serious?" Niall asked, moving closer to me. There were maybe three inches between our bodies. He pulled my shirt over my head and kissed my shoulder, his lips moving up my neck.

"Niall," I whispered. He sucked gently at my sweet spot, making my hands fly to my mouth to stifle a moan. Niall smirked and moved away. My knees were shaking with lust that I quickly tried to forget.

"I hate you for the affect you have on me." I muttered, taking the rest of my clothes off and slipping on my black bikini. Niall's arms encircled my waist, making me shiver as bare skin touched.

"I absolutely love it." He murmured against my neck. His Irish accent made me melt inside. "I love that I can do this..." He nibbled my neck, his hands sliding down to my hips. If he was trying to turn me on, it was working.

I moved away from him, leaning my back against the wall. Niall must be intent on seducing me, because he put his hands on the wall behind my head, pressing his body against mine.

Instantly, a plan formed in my head. I kissed him long and hard, trying to be as sexy and seductive as possible. Niall was surpised at first but kissed back eagerly. It was hard not to smile as the plan worked smoothly.

I ran my hands up and down his chest, then down his stomach, stopping just above his swim trunks. Something hardened against my leg, if you know what I mean. Satisfied that the plan worked, I pulled away from the kiss and Niall.

"Love you, babe." I smiled and winked, then closed the door behind me.


"Where's Niall?" Harry asked me as I came down the stairs.

"Oh, he should be down in a bit." I laughed, earning weird looks from each boy. We waited five long minutes until Niall finally came downstairs.

"What took so long, honey?" I asked innocently.

"Couldn't decide on which swim trunks to wear." He lied.

"Let us go now!" Louis cheered, running outside to the beach. The boys followed in pursuit as Niall wrapped his arm around my waist.

"That was so uncalled for." He said when we were out of earshot.

"Now you know how I felt." I smiled.

"It was worse for me."

"Was not."

"You don't have a boner to hide. I had to think of Louis in a bikini before I came down." He won. I laughed.

We reached the boys shortly after, and they were going insane. Louis was running around and rolling in the sand yelling "SUPERMAAAN!" Which had the boys cracking up with laughter.


 Hours later, we were all dripping wet and had never laughed more in our lives. It was one of the best days ever.

Louis and Zayn were surfing, Harry and Liam were doing backflips off of some nearby rock cliffs. Niall and I sat in the sand together, watching them. It was as if we were their parents and they were our kids.

"I'm almost sad to go." I said to Niall, watching Louis fall from his board.

"We can start over in California though."

"What if I don't want to?" I asked. Niall never got to answer because Louis and Zayn walked over to us, panting and exhausted. Liam and Hazza did a few more jumps before joining us.

"I'm gonna miss Florida." Louis sighed, leaning against me.

"Me too. We had a lot of good times here." I said.

"And some bad ones." Niall added.

"But they were all memories made." Liam said, back to his usual positive self.

"'Regrets aren't mistakes, they're memories made.''' Harry sang. "I'm glad to move. Make more memories.''

"I wouldn't change a thing, you know. Everything happened for a reason, and it somehow was for the better." Zayn was always the deep, wise one other than Li.

"I love you guys." I said, then whispered to Niall, "Especially you."

"Hey, I heard that! And you're MINE, booberdoo!" Louis yelled, scooping me up in his arms and running to the water.

"Lou, don't you dare-" My threat was cut off, as he plunged us into the salty ocean water. "I'm going to kill you!"

"No! Jimmy protested!" He yelled, swimming away from me and running back on the shore.

I ran after him, pushing my now wet hair out of my eyes. Niall caught me around my waist and spun me to face him, planting his lips on mine. Louis was pushed from my mind, and my only thought was Niall.

The boys whistled and yelled around us.

"Use protection!" Harry said.

"Save it for the bedroom!" Said Liam.

"I'm too young to be Uncle Malik!" Zayn fake sobbed.

"MY EYES!" Cried Louis. They all laughed at that. I smiled into the kiss but didn't break it.

This moment was perfect. I had the perfect promise ring, the perfect boyfriend. Perfect friends. For once, my life was perfect.

Like Zayn said, I wouldn't change a thing.

                                                     -The End-

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