~-Chapter Twenty-Six-~

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                                    -Louis Tomlinson's Point of View-

"What are we going to do?" Liam was being hopelessly pessimistic lately.

"How many times does it have to be said? We'll get through this." Hazza sighed.

"I stopped believing that when Candace started cutting herself. When I truly found out that Niall would die. When I, Liam Payne, starting wanting nothing more than to die along with him. Our lives are over. Our careers are over. I refuse to perform without him."

"Liam, I think you're starting to overreact about-" I started to say. A bloodcurling scream cut me off before I finished. And it was a scream I knew all too well.

"He's gone." I said numbly. I couldn't make myself move to go and comfort Candace. People in long white coats started rushing to the room where my best friend lay crying and screaming over my dead band mate.

Cold tears dripped down my face. I felt cold all over. The scream had raised the hairs on the back of my neck, but the actual thought of Niall being dead chilled me to the core.

One of the male nurses exited the room with a limp body in his arms. Who is he carrying? It was a girl. A pretty girl, with shiny brown hair falling over the man's arm. She had bloody cloth wrapped around her wrists and...

It took a minute for it to register in my brain that that was Candace. The poor thing had fainted from grief.

"No, sir, you must lay down!" Someone shouted from Niall's room.

"I've been laying down for who knows how long." A familiar accent said, "And don't tell me what to do." Niall turned around and grinned at the dumbfounded doctors.

 I sat in shock. His blonde hair was dull and shaggy, his chin had stuble hairs, and he was wearing only the hospital gown but it was the same old Niall.

  "Hello, lads. Long time, no see." He flashed a smile over at us and followed after the male nurse.

  "Great. Now I'm seeing ghosts." Liam groaned, head in hands, tears still falling.

  "He's alive!" Harry yelled, standing up. I pulled Liam with me as I ran after Haz who ran after Zayn who ran after Niall.

Candace was already sitting up, holding her head with one hand, taking an asprin with the other. She sipped water from a plastic cup the nurse gave her. Then she caught sight of us and spit it out on the floor.

  "NIALL!" She screamed again and jumped on him with a hug.

 "Hey beautiful." He kissed her forehead.

  "I missed you so much. I-I... They told us you were going to die."

 "Shh. I'm fine, love. Everything is fine." He murmured, hugging her tight enough that we saw his muscles flex. I felt awkward, witnessing this. Like an intruder.

                -Candace Miller's Point of View-

  The doc wanted to keep Niall an extra night, to monitor his brain. I volunteered him to stay longer, just in case, but Niall wasn't having that. He was out the door bright and early the next day.

  A shower, a shave, a hair cut later, Niall was back to normal. He hadn't been told about me cutting myself and I refused to be seen without a hoodie, scared of his reactions to the scabs.

  It was dark in his room. It must be around midnight. Niall had been home for six days now.

  The whole entire house was filled with flowers and get-well cards. We were wouldn't have to go grocery shopping for a few years, what with all the food that fans and other celebrities have sent to us. They all knew of Niall's great love of food.

  "Candace, I love you. You have no idea how much I need you." Niall said slowly. He placed his warm lips gently on mine.

  "And you have no idea how much I missed you." I whispered. His hands, which were around my waist, started to lift up my hoodie. I was caught up in the moment, to concentrated on Niall's entrancing lips, to remember why I had been wearing the hoodie in the first place.

  My hoodie was off now, leaving me in a pale blue tank top. I reached up to put my arms around his neck. That's when Niall stopped me. He abruptly pulled away and held my hands in front of him, sitting up.

   "What are these?!" He gently brushed a finger over the scabs on my right wrist. I didn't answer, I just looked down at the bed sheets.

  "Answer me. What are these?" He released my hands and cupped my cheeks, lifting my head to look at him. I bit my lip.

  "I couldn't live without you Niall." I finally whispered, tears brimming my eyes.

  "So you resorted to suicide?"

I nodded guiltily. Niall searched my face for a minute before taking my hand again.

  "Promise me you won't ever cut yourself again. That you won't ever harm yourself in any way."

  "I promise." My voice cracked and he pulled me into his chest, nuzzling his face into my hair. ''I love you."

  Niall kissed me again, putting a little more passion into it than before. I leaned back so we were laying down again, and he rolled over to where he was on top of me.

  He trailed his kisses from my mouth down to my collar bone. He nibbled lightly, making me try to bite back a moan. He laughed softly at my failed attempt. Niall removed one hand from my hip for a second. My hands were on his chest.

  He moved his lips back to mine and, without breaking the kiss, slipped something onto the fourth finger of my left hand. I moved away from Niall to look at it.

  I gasped. It was a thin silver ring, that looked similar to an engagment ring. Was Niall proposing to me? Whaaat? I'm eighteen! We're... But... This isn't Twilight! Niall isn't an immortal never-aging vampire that I need to marry at eighteen just so he'll bite me and I can be with him forever. I'm not worried about growing old while Niall stays young because this isn't a fantasy fiction teenage romance novel!

   "Candace?" Niall was concerned now, taking in my panicked look.

 "Niall, what is this...?" I asked quietly. He smiled warmly and kissed my cheek.

The Promise Ring (don't read, it sucks a lot okay)Where stories live. Discover now