~-Chapter Twenty-Nine-~

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-Louis Tomlinson's Point of View-

I was walking into the living room humming She's Got You High by Mumm-Ra when I noticed a lump on the couch. What in the-? It was late, and everyone was in bed. Oh my God, what if it's a masked murderer? They really had the audacity to sleep on OUR couch?

Oh wait, no. It was Candace. And Liam... She was asleep on his shirtless chest, both of them snoring away. I got a little angry about this.

What about Niall?! She should be sleeping on HIS chest, not Liam's! I have to do something. I'll just get a carrot first...

I took slow strides into the kitchen, hoping that I was still dreaming and I hadn't seen anything. Sure, it was no big deal- just two friends sleeping. But the thing was, Liam liked Candace as more than a friend. If he was trying to get her to love him whilst she and Niall were in the midst of a... misunderstanding, then he might as well give up. Because I won't let that happen.

I quietly bit off a peice of the long orange carrot, rounding the corner that led into the living room again. Niall stood at the end of the leather couch, looking down at them with a sad look on his face. His eyes were brimming with tears, which he quickly wiped away.

"Nialler?" I whispered. He looked up at me, his face full of sorrow. He just shook his head and shuffled back down the hallway to bed.

Just wonderful.

"Candace? Candace." I gently shook her shoulder.

"Uh?" She mumbled, raising her hand. She glanced down, noticing she was laying on Liam, and sat up straight, moving slightly away. Good.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, Lou." She mumbled, standing up. Let's see... How do I say this? What do I tell her? I guess I can just tell her the secret about Nialler...

I closed the door to my room behind her, sitting down on my bed.

"So," Candace started.

"Remember that secret I told you about?"


"Well... I'm going to tell you about it. Niall wasn't proposing to you. He never was. It was a promise ring." Her eyes widened. "And... Niall is crying right now because he saw you and Liam together on the couch."

"I feel like such a... bitch. Ugh. Oh my God, I screwed up." Candace sighed and put her head in her hands.

  "I suggest you talk to him, and fix this, booberdoo."

"Thanks, boo-bear," She ruffled my hair and left the room. Maybe now everything will be normal and happy again.


-Candace Miller's Point of View-

 Was I really that bad of a person? Yes. 

  Liam and I had been watching a movie, and I guess I had fallen asleep. On him. Ugh! I was such a horrible person!

  And Niall hadn't been proposing to me. It was a promise ring!

  I got nervous as his heavy wooden door came into view. He hates me now. I deserved it.

  "Niall?" I asked softly, opening the door without a reply.

 "Hey." His voice cracked in the darkness. Shit.

  "I'm sorry, Nialler. Louis told me everything, and I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was a promise ring. And I fell asleep on the couch." I started, but Niall stood up from his bed and his crystal blue gaze silenced me.

  "I understand that you didn't know, but even if I had been proposing... Don't you care enough about me to marry me?"

  "I don't want to lose you but I am nowhere near ready to marry someone. I would be the worst wife ever because, honestly, I'm still an immature teenager."

  "So am I, yet I would marry you in a heartbeat."

 "I'm sorry. If I could take back the other day, I would. If I could take back everything I said, I would. But I can't and I apologize."

  "It's a little late for that."

 "What do you want me to do, Niall?!" I was getting worked up, when Niall was the one who should be mad.

  "I want you to love and care for me like I do you!"

 "I do! Niall, you're the only person I've ever loved and you know that!"

   "Then prove it."


  "Take this promise ring, and promise yourself to me and only me." Suddenly, Niall was holding out a small satin black box with the same silver ring inside.


 "Candace I couldn't ever be mad at you. I was hurt about the thing with Li but I know you love me. And I love you too."

  "I promise." I whispered. Niall smiled and I held out my hand. He slipped the ring onto the fourth finger, then kissed the top of my hand.



   "I'm sorry for everything."

 "Stop apologizing, please."

  "And Niall?"


  "I love you." He smiled again and pulled me into a kiss, touching his lips to mine tenderly.

The Promise Ring (don't read, it sucks a lot okay)Where stories live. Discover now