Whoa its My Bday

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Erika's POV

I sat up straight in my bed right by Niall and saw he was sleeping like a baby. I could feel that my hair was a mess.

I walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet seat. I took a piece of paper and started a to do list for me and one for Niall.

I got it done and I got my money stash out of my secret hiding spot. Niall still doesn't know.

I took money out and went to put in my purse. I grabbed jean shorts and a batman shirt that is long in the back and long in the front. I also got my batman tank.

I went in the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I tried to clean all my over my body so I don't smell.

I quickly cleaned up and started to freshen up. I put on light makeup and put fake glasses and put a batman hat on.

I went over to Niall to wake him. "Niall, babe get up today is a busy day." I told him by shaking him.

"Ok." He said getting up and kissing my head. I went down stairs to the kitchen.

I made Niall and I smoothies so we could get going to do our day. I got his ready.

"So why are we going to so busy today." Niall asked while walking down the stairs.

"Well I'm going out with Gemma today for my birthday and you need to switch the house around." I told him

"Ok." he told me. He took the paper and smoothie and headed out. "Love you see ya later." He said. I told him the same thing.

I got ready with my list and smoothie. I put flip flops on and got in my car to pick up Gemma.

Niall's POV

Ok so Erika wants a new couch and chair, coffee table, carpet, and wants to paint the wall for the living room

Up stairs she would want just new sheets and some bedside tables.

At least I have the truck today. I went to go grab a blueish purple couch, also with the chairs.

I got a bamboo and glass coffee table. also with tables that would be right by the chairs and couch.

I bought lamps an lamp shades. I know she didn't want those.

I took all of those to the truck and took them home but I would be back up there.

I put those all in the garage so it would be safe. I locked the garage and went back to get bed room stuff.

I got soft blue sheets and pillow cases with blankets, also the same thing with cheetah print sheets, blanket, and pillow case.

Got the bedside table with free lamps, picture frames, also some paint that I got at The Home Dep.

I got back home and started to put everything inside. I set the carpet in first.

Then I brought in the couch and chairs. I don't think I would have time to paint the walls.

I put the new bedroom stuff in the bed room and got those were they are supposed to be.

I cleaned the house a little, took a nap, and made plans for her birthday dinner with me tonight.

I'm so tired after all this work. How can girls shop all day and not get tired. I got her presents ready for her when she gets back.

I want her to open them after the dinner so she could be surprised Ben more.

Harry dropped off her present and her card that says that she is aloud to go on tour with us in two months.

The boys came over for a while and we talked about something. That was before I took a nap.

I sat down to watch a movie while I wait for her so we can get ready for that date.


Sorry if it was short I really wanted to get this chapter done for you guys to read it.

How's your guys weekend been going. mine was good I got to dance with my boyfriend for the first time it was fun.

Oh and I don't want to for get to say this that you guys should really follow my bet friend more like sister @Da_Nerdy_Gurl she is an awesome person jut follow her and you'll really like her.

Well I love all you lovelies and I hope you all stay strong and simile every day.


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