The Concert

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Erika's POV

I can't wait until I see the arena. Harry and Niall told me it was very big. I just can't wait to see it.

I sat on my bed rubbing my stomach just thinking about my life ahead. I can't believe it that I'm going to be a mom.

Harry knows and you would not want to see that. He like flipped out on me and Niall and I just ran to my bed.

Yeah that was like ten minutes ago and Niall came to check on me but I just told him I was fine.

I really don't like Harry right now he doesn't even want me to have a child.

I already know I'm two months and have eight months to go. I really wish that I don't go into labour during the tour.

Im like really tired right now so I'm gonna take a nap and its going to be an awesome nap.

I was out like a light.

Niall's POV

Harry and I both sat a Starbucks not talking while everyone else was talking and I did want to forget Erika's cause she's taking a nap right now.

Harry has been getting angry at us for a long time I just hate this being mad at him but I am.

"It's your fault that you got her pregnant." Harry said all sassy and mean.

That's it I'm going to lose it. "THAT'S IT HARRY I DON'T FUCKING CARE THAT SHE PREGNANT AND YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY THAT YOUR SISTER IS PREGNANT AND THAT IM THE DAD SO GET OVER YOURSELF HARRY." I yelled at him and walking out of Starbucks almost breaking the door.

I don't want to to talk to anyone but Erika. I don't want to hear Harry's shit he's overreacting about this.

I went on the bus with her coffee but it in the fridge and went on her bunk and pulled her body close to mine.

I rubbed her baby bump just knowing that there is a living baby in there.

I was about to fall asleep until I hear the boys voices out side so I closed the curtains of her bunk and tried to fall asleep.

"Harry just shut up about they didn't mean to do that you should be happy that she is going to have a baby and that Niall is the father." Zayn said.

"Well I am happy but she is my little sister I don't think she is old enough and Niall he is the one that should not be the father." He sassed back.

That hit me in my chest like a bullet. Harry keeps taking this to hard. He won't be mad for to long cause under that cold skin there is a warm heart.

I tuned everyone out and fell asleep next to the one I love.

^hours later^

Erika's POV

Lou was doing my make up. then the boys.

While I waited for them to get done I just played with baby Lux. I put her hair up and painted her nails.

I think I'm going to be a good aunt. "Auntie Erika what's this." Lux said holding up my writing book.

"Well that's my book that I write in lyrics." I told her. "Can I read......" She was cut off by someone saying that I should be getting my stuff ready to go on stage.

I told Lux I would talk to her after the show.

I heard girls screaming and chanting for One Direction to come out.

We dragged the piano out and I had to follow and the put a head mic on my head so I don't have to hold a mic.

I started to play the piano and everyone got quiet and the lights started to come on and I saw the boys in the corner of my eye.

I took a deep breath before I started to sing.

I can hold my breath

I can bite my tongue

I can stay awake for days if that's what you want

Be our number one I can fake a smile

I can force a laugh

I can dance and play the part

If that's what you ask

Give you all I am

I can do it

I can do it

I can do it

But I'm only human

And I bleed I fall

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

Cause I'm only human

I can turn it on

Be a good machine

I can hold the weight of worlds

If that's what you need

Be your everything

I can do it

I can do it

I'll get through it

But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

I'm only human

I'm only human

Just a little human

(She finally hit that high note)

I can take so much

Until I've had enough

Cause I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart

Cause I'm only human

Then the song ended I really can't believe I made that high note.

Everyone was cheering and clapping. this is a lot of people I think I'm going to faint.

"Give it up for my little sister Erika." Harry screamed through the mic.

I started to get dizzy and my vision started to get fuzzy. "Niall I don't feel good." I whispered to him.

"I should take you to Lou cause you don't look good." He said a little worried.

"Liam I'm gonna take her to Lou." Niall told Liam. "Ok that's fine just be quick." He said.

Niall helped me backstage to Lou. "Hey Lou can you please watch her she looks like she needs to sit down." Niall said.

Lou rushed to me and sat me down in a spiny chair. Man I love these chairs never put me in one or I will pretend to sleep and move the chair to scare everyone.

Lou pushed me over to a spot to watch the boys and I just sat and watched.

I just watched them sing and my eyes got heavy and I was out like a light.


Finally had time to write this chappy I love this song Human by Christian Perry I think that's what her name is idk.

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Just comment what you would want to happen later on in the next few chapters.

Will Harry ever stop being mad at Niall and Erika or just stay mad t them the rest of the tour just please comment down below.

Love all of you😘


Harry's sister Niall's girl (Niall Horan fan fic){EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now