Chapter 7

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This was officially the worst night ever. She never knew she would be targeted. Eerie, really. Their main focus, her, a small, raggedy, girl.

Looks could deceive, though. Her training really paid off. Especially her sword training which was unfortunately cut short a long time ago.

She spotted an abandoned water sprinkler. She neared it to wash her sword. Surprisingly, there was no blood, so red, so beautiful yet wretched after she sliced that man's head.

Just pristine white, shining so brightly although no moonlight shone through the black sky. So, Corine sheathed it back.

She couldn't stand looking at it again. It always brought back bad memories every time she unsheathed it. Even worse now.

Every time she saw it, she could only see red. She could never really see it's beauty. Only the red of blood, instead of it's pristine whiter, whiter than the snow, even.

Sigh... She continued running. She did not want the others, that other burly man and the man in black cloak, to spot and pursue her. She had done enough damage. Damage that she wished she could undo.

The reenactment of the accidental kill of that man went back to her. She couldn't help but shudder.

She always looked away when one of the gang killed a person. They could do it without blinking an eye but she never had the heart to do so, although there were plenty situations where that killing would better suit the case than just knocking them plain unconscious.

After the incident in her past where that man died because she ducked after her parents were killed, she just couldn't and wouldn't want to kill anyone at all.

It wasn't her fault. She never killed that man, yet it scarred her. To draw the line to killing whether innocent or not.

But after this first kill, it surprisingly felt high, yet so sickening. She wanted to feel that yet she just never wanted to do it again. What was wrong with her?!

Her knee buckled. She needed to tend that kneecap. She spotted a roll of cloth near what looked liked an abandoned warehouse. She couldn't cut that cloth herself so she had to use her sword.

It was very low than what it usually does, more important things but that Corine never knew. She never stole it. She just took it, a very priced valuable that many men will kill but to her nothing but a scrape in her shoe.

A blessing and gift yet something she despised so deeply. Every second, it became something more hateful, yet something so precious to her and valuable that she didn't have the heart to leave it behind let alone destroy it.

This sword was actually the last reminder of her past that was salvage through her old house. A few days after that incident with the two murderers who killed her parents, she came back to retrieve a few belongings for happy times in her past.

Unfortunately, the place was empty. Even the bodies were gone, she guessed that someone had been here before. At that time, one she remembered so clearly, she was so surprised and sad to see the house barren that she remembered taking the sword out of her sheath and scratched parting words on the family's favourite part of the house to honour their memory.

That sword...

Her father showed it to her all those years ago. She was young but very smart for her age. When her father showed her that sword, she backed away a little.

She could remember it clearly.

"Dad, why do you have such a dangerous object?" Corine started.

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