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My name is Cassie and this is my first story! It's a scomiche fanfiction, with a plot line I've been waiting to write about for a long time. I've always had the plot, but not characters. So I decided to use Scott and Mitch and turn it into a romance/action story. I've been a huge fan of Pentatonix and Sup3rfruit for a while now, and a couple of the other group members have been thrown into the story.

Before you read, just note that this story contains abuse, violence, drug use, profanity, suicide and sexual content

I think this story is pretty unique, for I've never read something like it. Fasten your seat belts for an emotional roller coaster !! ;) 

(There is a lot of crying. A lot.) 

I hope you stay to read! Please comment and vote, it really makes my day and I love to respond to you all!

~Cassie :)

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