chapter 18

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Today's another day of work. It's the wee hours of the morning and I decide to get an early start. I gingerly untangle myself from Mitch's grasp, and slip a pillow in his arms to hold onto. He grumbles in his sleep and moves around in the sheets but eventually falls back into slumber. 

I stare in admiration at him for a few seconds before finally detaching myself from him and walk out the door. I go into the kitchen, my feet padding along the yellowing tiles. This place is so weird without anyone else with me. Ruben and Sonny are going to a casino for the day, so it's just Mike, Mitch and I. I'm the only one awake. It's eerie and silent, all I can hear is the air conditioner's whir and my own breathing. 

I walk down the hallway and remove the wooden floorboard, trying not to wake Mitch as I edge down the ladder. I reach out to turn on the light, but have to blindly walk around to feel it. I pull the switch and that warm light pulsates throughout the room, giving it a warm glow. Other than that sink and the case full of weapons, this place is pretty relaxing. 

I start to get to work, the reason I came here so early. I also organize some of Mitch's scheduling charts, hoping he'll be happy once he finds out he doesn't have much work today. 

I just want to make him smile. 

Not many people have contacted us today, so the schedule doesn't take that long. I print the sheet out, admiring my work that I've done for Mitch. I'm not so bad at it. I go to put the sheet in the weaponry case, where all the others are held, but as I tug on the handle, I remember it's locked.

The key must be in Mitch's room. 

I head back upstairs and slowly push the bedroom door open, still spotting Mitch laying in the dark with the pillow in his arms and the sheets tangled around his legs. I search through his dresser and find the key in his sock drawer.

Why did he think he needed to hide the key?

And why was he keeping the papers in the back of the case a secret? 

I tuck the key in my pocket and tiptoe back out of the room, not wanting to wake up Mitch and have him catch me with it.


I'm back in the basement, letting the final page of the schedule print. I collect them all and bring them to the case, tucking them under my arm as I reach for the key in my pocket. I grip onto the cool metal and hold it up, turning it in my hands. I put it in the lock and turn it until I hear the soft click as the door unlocks. I pull the large opening and it opens very smoothly. I am met with those rows and rows of glistening knives and shiny guns. I tape the sheet along with the rest in the back of the case, but curiosity takes over as I look through all of the past schedules, scanning through them and not finding anything that would need to be hidden from me. 

I'm so confused.

I can hear Mitch at the top of the ladder.

"Scott?" He calls out from above. "Are you down here?" 

"Y-Yeah." I call back. I look through the final page as he comes down the ladder. I'm about to put it away as I see a name I recognize. 

Connie Hoying. 

Thanks for reading! Hm.. i wonder what's gonna happen? ;). I hope you've like my story thus far! Please keep reading, voting and commenting.

One more note!! I have decided to add a little bit of Mitch's perspective in the near future chapters, just because in order for the ending to make sense a chapter or two in Mitch's POV is necessary. Stay f'cute!

~Cassie :)

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